What People Are Commenting
Jeans, Modernist Parents & Lawsuit
Jeans & Manual Labor
I saw the letter posted claiming that working men needed jeans. My father was a farmer until he died at the age of 86 this past Good Friday and I never saw him in a pair of blue jeans. He wouldn't have been caught dead in them. His normal attire on his farm was trousers, a button-down shirt, and a tie. So how did he keep from ruining his clothes? He wore coveralls, to feed the cattle, to work in his wood and metal-shop, to mend fences. As casual as he ever got was to wear a short-sleeve shirt in the summer, or possibly a flannel shirt in the winter.
I simply cannot picture my father in a tee-shirt and jeans, and I thank God for the example he set. As time goes by I am more and more grateful for it. The argument for jeans on workmen is similar to the one for pants in women: a justification for modern sloppiness made in ignorance of the past.
In Jesus and Maria,
Stick to Your Guns
Happy New Year!
Thanks for sticking to your guns concerning your skirmish with those who want to soften your position regarding public dress for Roman Catholics. The duped, who dress according to the latest fashions, don't realize their clothing, especially in the case of women, is often designed by homosexuals many of whom hate women. Therefore they initiate styles that are more suitable for French prostitutes than modest women. A woman's cloths say a lot more about her by what they conceal than by what they reveal.
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us
Video on San Francisco
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I am pleased you found the video I sent you useful. Often historic, visual examples are indeed more compelling when we become intellectually stubborn to factual argument, in this case at least.
It should be only too obvious that Americans were not always so undignified... but strong opinions die hard.
God Bless,
Blessed Alexandrina
Dear Friends,
Please let others know about the publication of my booklet on Blessed Alexandrina in the USA (click here)
This new edition contains color pictures.
Thanks and God bless
Kevin Rowles
Modernist Parents
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima!
I hope that TIA will publish an article that will truly help Traditionalist children, like me, deal with Modernist parents and elders and relatives the right way. For your information, I am the only Traditionalist in our family of prominent Modernists.
I look forward to your response.
Offering my consideration and esteem, I remain,
J.C.C., Philippines
TIA responds:
Dear J.C.C.,
Thank you for your e-mail. We have published several articles by Fr. Paul Sretenovic on the attitude Catholics should take toward apostate relatives on our Morals page. The topic may apply to your case with due adaptations.
We hope this will be of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Good Success
Dear TIA,
I am A.B. from Manila, Philippines. I am a postulant of the Marian Fathers. I have a request but I do not know if such is possible. I would like to have a book about Our Lady of Good Success, I am really interested in this apparition of Our Lady because I believe it is timely, however I do not have means to make a purchase overseas.
If you will allow it, may I ask instead for an electronic copy of Our Lady's book? Or can you help me find a generous person over there to donate the book. This letter may sound disturbing for you; if you can't allow what I am requesting just be frank with me, I would understand.
Please pray for me also. Thanks.
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
The electronic files of our books are not available for diffusion, but we would be glad to send you a copy of a book of Our Lady of Good Success. We have some copies with small defects that we do not sell, and we would be pleased to send you one of these.
Just be kind enough to specify the book you want - we have four books on Our Lady of Good Success listed below - and send us your address.
Be sure of our prayers and please keep us in yours.
TIA correspondence desk
1. Our Lady of Good Success, Prophecies for Our Times;
2. Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success
3. The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - volume I
4. The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - volume II
A Lawyer, Please
Dear TIA,
My question is this: How can I sue my diocesan church for the pain and suffering caused by the disordered pastoral assistant and clergy? I figure there is a lot of running around with non-Catholic lawyers, but it takes money to make money. I guess that I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Just thought I would let you know that there is no peace with me, because the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is not done. My conversion is ongoing still because of possible Russian blood in me and my foreign family.
Thank you for your time, even though I already know the answer because of my God given gift of allocution condemned by the Church as quackery.
If there is a good r.c. lawyer with time to help my family?
Relic of St. Philomena
Regarding obtaining a relic of St. Philomena, I thank you so much for the information you sent me [regarding the official sanctuary in Italy]. I'm deeply grateful for your willingness to help. I wrote Msgr. Braschi [the Sanctuary rector] several months ago, but received no reply.
I applaud your work. The Church has lost so much in the last 30 years! Catechism books have been replaced by a watered down let's all feel good theology. We have two generations that have no idea what our faith is all about. If you ask, "who knows about grace?" Most will answer, "Isn't she the girl who works at Pizza Hut?" My parish is so fortunate to still have 5 nuns in our school. All of them are in the habit. What a blessing!
Fr. J.M.
Posted January 26, 2010

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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