What People Are Commenting
Revolted Reader &
Fr. Calderon against the Council
Contradictions in Scripture
I used to be a strongly pious Catholic but how would people like you respond to the fact that the Bible, which Catholics and Christians etc follow, is full of contradicting facts, such as the Commandment saying to honor thy father and mother whilst in Luke 14:26-33 Jesus clearly states that anyone who does not hate his family cannot be his disciple even!
How can you believe God's word which is written in man's words?
And I bet you won't even answer me at all. Please help me regain my faith in the Lord - its because of people like you that I cannot hold my faith strong.
TIA responds:
Hello A.S.,
The apparent contradictions that are in the Scriptures are actually a stimulus for us to understand higher realities. In the case you pointed out, Our Lord was saying that those who have a special calling should abandon their families. For the rest of society the rule remains to have a normal family life. So, there is a rule and an exception. The exception fortifies and confirms the rule.
Indeed, those who are called to a religious life and follow Our Lord more closely through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience give an example to those who are married, reminding them not to be turned only toward earthly matters. Therefore, by leaving their families, what they really do is to fortify and elevate them, making them strive for greater perfection.
You see that everything falls into its right place without any difficulty, stimulating us to love God more either in the rule - the well constituted family - or in the exception - the religious life.
When we don't understand something in the Catholic Church or in the Scriptures, the correct position for us to assume is one of humility and prayer. We should ask Our Lady to help us to understand the words of her Son or the doctrines of the Church that trouble us.
The wrong position is to revolt and start to assert that the Scriptures or the Church teaching are wrong because we don't understand them. This doesn't resolve anything. On the contrary it locks one's mind to a reasonable explanation and ensnares the person into the traps of the Devil and into Protestant heresies.
We hope Our Lady will help you to be a pious Catholic as you were in the past. We will be praying for that.
TIA correspondence desk
SSPX Fr. Calderon against Vatican II
Dear TIA,
According to a source of SSPX, Fr. Alvaro Calderon, also of the SSPX, has prepared a 70 page thesis in Spanish on Vatican II. The source has given a brief summary of this thesis in English, and his flyer is headed: Second Vatican Council (V II) The Religion of Man.
I share with you some excerpts from this flyer:
Nature of Vatican II: Vatican II is the adoption by the official Church of a centuries-old glorification of man, but decked out in Catholic trappings. Vatican II's purpose was to give dignity to man through a rescue of the old humanism by the Church hierarchy, but turned to man so as to form a brand-new "Catholicism." For indeed everything modern is admirable so everything Catholic needs to be renewed.
New Man: (= Bricks of Vatican II) Now the old humanists all hated authority so V II will glorify man's autonomy. Thus truth can only be known subjectively, right and wrong are perceived from within, and grace is to be subordinated to nature. In brief, V II is merely the old humanism decorated however with Catholic ornaments.
New Church (= Walls of Vatican II) The Church is no more universal, merely the "sacrament" of God's invisible Kingdom. Henceforth politics are out from under their medieval subordination to the Church, being merely purified but not sacralised by a Newchurch preparing the Antichrist. Catholics are "subsistently" the Church, but all Christians have "elements " of it while non-Christian religions have "traces" and even the world by UN will imitate UR. Henceforth the whole People of God have a ministry to the whole of mankind, above all by talking and listening to all men.
New Religion (= Building of Vatican II) All knowledge being subjective, then Faith, Revelation, Tradition, etc, must all be re-cast. Forget the Cross and medieval grievery because God is all luv, luv,luv to man! Jesus himself is man revealing man to man, and just maybe he is not quite God.
In brief, it is Man who is God!
In brief, V II is Satanic Idolatry!
Best wishes & God bless
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TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 7, 2009

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