What People Are Commenting
Reactions to the Ultimatum &
Code Dress in the Wisconsin Prisons
Prayers for SSPX
Since a Novena would not be possible, I still think this would be an appropriate time to pray to Our Lady of Good Success asking her to guide traditionalist Bishops and clergy in these next few days.
If they ignore her good counsel and the counsel of the Holy Spirit, I know that many of us will try to remain faithful to the Deposit of Faith we have inherited even if others, in moments of weakness or hopefulness, do not.
I, for my part, would like to see the text of the "two conditions that Lefebvre had already signed with ... then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1988."
Personally, I think SSPX made a grave error when it accepted and promulgated the John XXIII Mass. This mass opened the window, so to speak, to everything that followed.
The Five Extra Conditions of Rome
Dear TIA,
Thanks for posting the news articles on the Vatican ultimatum to SSPX. I hadn't heard anything since the Bishop made his statement that there would be no compromise coming. I can't imagine he would go back on his word now. But it sure looks like something was going on, doesn't it?
I did a little googling and came up with another article from Catholic News Service, dated June 24, I thought you'd like to see it. The five demands pretty much make it clear that if an agreement is signed, there's to be no criticism of the Pope and no discussion about the Magisterium previous to Vatican II. That's the best way to stop any controversy - don't allow any debate. It would be a victory for error.
Thanks for your continued good work on the best site on the Internet.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
Holy See Issues Ultimatum to Pius X Society, Vatican Expert Reveals
(CNS original here)
Rome, Jun 24, 2008 / 06:34 pm (CNA) - According to Andrea Tornielli, who claims to have a copy of the original letter sent by the Holy See to the schismatic Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the St. Pius X Society, the Holy See has given an ultimatum to the Society, with a deadline of June 28 for it to respond. According to Tornielli, who writes on his blog for the Italian newspaper Il Giornale, Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos has written a letter in his capacity as President of the Pontifical Ecclesia Dei Commission, presenting the conditions of the ultimatum that, if accepted would conclude with the final incorporation of the St. Pius X Society into the Church by means of the canonical procedure of personal prelature, similar to that of Opus Dei.
This arrangement would allow them to "continue their activity of training seminarians and priests" and would give them autonomy for the celebration of the liturgy according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, that is to say in Latin, and according to Missal of 1962.
According to Tornielli, the five demands are the result of a June 4 meeting between the Cardinal and excommunicated Bishop Bernard Fellay, leader of the fraternity St. Pius X.
The Vatican demands require:
[1]. "A commitment to a response proportional to the generosity of the Pope;
[2]. "Also the commitment to avoid any public statement disrespectful to the person of the Holy Father and that could be negative to ecclesial charity;
[3]. The commitment to avoid the premise of a Magisterium superior to that of the Holy Father;
[4]. And not to propose to the fraternity (St. Pius X) in opposition to the Church;
[5]. The commitment to demonstrate the will to act honestly in full ecclesial charity and in full respect of the authority of the Vicar of Christ." [numbers added]
The last requirement of the Holy See, Tornielli says, is "to respect the date established for June 28, the eve of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 'the day of the Pope' and the beginning of the Pauline Year, to respond positively. This will be a required condition and necessary as immediate preparation for the adherence to have full communion."
Internal Tendencies: Not Many Will Follow A Compromise
Hello TIA,
Thank you for the update on the Vatican ultimatum to SSPX posted on the 24th.
Yesterday [25], I found a Blog offering a good sample of the internal reactions of the SSPX followers.
It may be interesting to take a look if you have a spare time, even though the webmaster/moderator seems to me clearly pro-compromise. The link is here.
Wisconsin Prisons Dress Code
God Bless, guys,
The Wisconsin prison system has enough sense to request that people dress modestly when they visit - how many Bogus Ordo churches require the same?
Isn't it mind boggling that you could get 'denied visiting privileges for your convicted inmate - family or friend - BUT could 'cruise' in an out of a Novus Ordo Mass?
God Help us,
JMJ, pray for us,
Dress Code at the Stanley Correctional Institution - SCI
(Original here - please go to n. 19)
19. The visiting area at SCI stresses a "family" atmosphere, as friends and family are of all ages.
The following apparel is considered inappropriate and will result in the denial of visits (DOC-309, IMP #33; Effective 04/12/93):
a. Transparent clothing. ...
c. Shorts which are shorter than fingertips in length (i.e., visitor standing naturally with arms straight down the side of the body and fingers extended).
d. Skirts or dresses shorter than fingertip length + 3 inches.
e. Tube, halter, and strapless tops and dresses.
f. Tops or dresses which expose midriff (front or back).
g. Underwear worn on the outside or exposed.
h. Blouses, shirts and dresses, which are low-cut, also skirts with revealing slits.
i. Spandex/Spandex-like and lycra/lycra-like athletic pants, aerobic/exercise tights, leotards, or button/snap sided (tear-away) sweat/wind pants or swimming suits.
j. Clothing with revealing holes or tears above fingertip level (see "c" in list).
k. Clothing or accessories with obscene or profane writing, images, or pictures.
l. Gang or club-related clothing or insignia indicative of gang affiliation, which includes, but is not limited to motorcycle jackets bearing logos.
m. All visitors - men, women, and children must wear footwear for the entire visit.
Posted June 26, 2008

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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