What People Are Commenting
Wives, Claretians Apostasy
& Sister Lucy's Death
Wives and the Church
Dear TIA,
First, may I say that I appreciate your ministry in this ever-darkening hour.
Then, let me observe that regarding the new teaching on husbands and wives, when these preachers seek to strike down the need for wives to submit to their husbands, they simply highlight their seeming stance that the Church need no longer submit to Christ.
St. Paul, in Ephesians 5:32, culminates his argument that wives but be in subjection to their own husbands by saying that in so doing they represent what should be the true order of things, namely that the Church is protected, loved and ruled by Christ.
So it would seem to me, that teaching only mutual subjection of the husband and wife is simply the sad consequence of the first problem, namely, that the Church no longer feels the need to submit to her head, our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the Lord be merciful to us and show us the way home.
In Christ,
Pagan Sacrifices of Children
Hello TIA,
As we commemorate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we can remember the innocent children who had been offered in brutal sacrifice to the Mexican pagan gods before the conversions to Christianity.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, as Patroness of the America's must ache for all the children who are offered to the diabolical powers of no-fault divorce. Thousands of children are basically "abducted" from a capable spouse because the civil court will aid and abet an abandoning spouse in the mutilation of his own family. Civil attorneys are getting very rich while children are suffering, lonely, financially devastated and morally deprived of their natural right to live with the capable parent from whom the children were "abducted."
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Claretians Apostasy
Dear TIA,
After reading your article about St. Anthony Mary Claret, I browsed the Internet for some more reading material & information about this faithful servant of God. I came to an international provincial site for the Claretians at www.claret.org
At the 'About Us' link one will see 'Claretians Around the World', which (when opened) will show a map. I clicked Russia. At the Russian page, under the caption 'The Claretian Mission', click " 2002, Claretians Committed to the Religious Journey with the People." This is all rather buried so I copy here the last paragraph which is unabashed apostasy.
Regarding the Claretian's mission in Russia:
"To this work of pre-evangelization is related the indispensable ecumenical dimension that has to characterize our mission. But, if this Gospel preparation bears fruit, we, on our part, have to be open to the possibility that the option for the faith may be fulfilled in the bosom of Orthodoxy, that for the majority of Russians is their basic Christian frame of reference."
St. Anthony Mary Claret must be turning over in his grave.
Papal Actor
Good Evening,
I just read the article on your website An Egotist Papal Star. I think this reporter is 100 percent correct in showing that the past Pope was using his office in advancing his acting career. He did pursue a career in the theater before being ordained, and then the world became his stage.
Is it not strange that the two most powerful men in the 1980s were both actors, the Pope and Ronald Reagan?
Keep up the excellent work.
On Sister Lucy's Death
Dear TIA,
This could be interesting for TIA's readers.
There was as Sister Lucy's date of death (on a Discalced Carmelites website) May 31, 1949. Is that date possible? Yes, it is:
1. Before the Liturgical calendar reform in about 1970, May 31 was the feast day of The Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen (of all creation - added by me). And very often Mary's dear children leave this Earth on Her feast days (hope I will too). And sister Lucia was for sure very dear to Our Lady.
2. Bad teeth can cause death. Long ago, when I was a school-boy, we were shown a slide which explained that from a bad teeth, which are not cured for a long time, poison from caries flows into all bodily organs (brain, eyes, heart, lever, kidneys, lungs etc.) and can cause even death (many things I have forgotten since then but this one I remember as happening now; maybe that's happened just for this purpose)!
3. But what about interview with Father Fuentes in 1957? Was he not aware that it had been the false Sister Lucy? Are those statements about the coming chastisements and the marvelous efficacy of The Rosary invented by the false Sister Lucy?
- Some people don't remember faces well and he could be one of them.
- The Holy Ghost can use even the unworthy agents (e.g. Caiphas) to say what He wants them to say, even if they think they are lying.
From all these verifiable facts and reasoning it can be concluded with a very high probability:
1. That the true Sister Lucy died (went to Heaven) on May 31, 1949;
2. That she was replaced by the false Sister Lucy;
3. That the true Sister Lucy, not being on Earth since 1949, couldn't react on hiding, lies and misinformation on The Third Secret of Fatima;
4. That the false Sister Lucy easily, gladly and willfully obeyed the command to be silent and played her evil role so its no wonder there was no reaction from "Sister Lucy" on Vatican II, fake consecration of Russia etc.;
5. That the truth always finds its way (among so many lies) to be seen to everybody.
Stay strong by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your reader,
Posted December 26, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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