We received this open letter written by one of our readers in Brazil, Mr. Emilio Scherrer, to Pope Benedict XVI. He sent the letter to the Vatican by registered mail, and requested that we post it on our website, which we do with pleasure.
Letter to Pope Benedict XVI
August 3, 2007
To Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City
Most Holy Father,
As a Catholic, I come before the presence of Your Holiness to express, as a son of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in Mary, my astonishment and tears upon reading some facts.
As Peter, you went to Istanbul and placed a wreath on the tomb of [Mustafa Kemal] Ataturk, the Nero of the East and disciple of Hitler. This act would be the same as if Peter had placed flowers on the tomb of Hitler, the German Nero. With this, my Father, you denied Christ.
Reading the Letter that Peter sent to the Church of China, I was numbed when you ordered the Underground Church to dissolve, that is, to cease its activities, revoking their privileges and asking them to present themselves to the authorities. Their apostolate will become fruitless, since the public authorities will be supervising them. And, the traitorous clergy even asked for the 30 coins, that is, the poor material goods that they possibly have. This is iniquitous, your Holiness. With this, my Father, you denied Christ.
The Letter to the Church of China reminds me of other Peters: one collaborated with Napoleon to eliminate those who resisted making the oath to the 'ideals' of the French Revolution. Another Peter collaborated with the Communists in Mexico in order to save them from the offensive of the Cristeros. History affirms that these two Peters denied Christ.
The modus operandi is always the same: for those who fight for Jesus Christ, the whip; and for the cowards and betrayers, words of charity, understanding and even praise. Further, as for the Peters who deny Christ, they cowardly cover the crimes of these Neros in order not to irritate them. And in the name of the lesser evil, they oblige Catholics to accept ignominies: from one lesser evil to another, we will be led into the arms of the Antichrist, who certainly will be presented as a lesser evil.
As for me, I am a son of the Holy Catholic Church and before long I will be in the presence of the Lord. But you, my Father, when you come to face the Lord whom you represent on this Earth, I hope that you will not come to hear, Et tu, Petre! Even you, Peter!
I write this letter constrained by an obligation of conscience, manifesting my sorrow and shock.
Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Emilio Scherrer
P.S. I add a suggestion entitled 'China Project' to correct the scandal
made by Your Holiness.
The China Project
The premise:
China is pagan, a materialist country in which money is the most valued thing.
The problem:
- The persecution of Catholics;
- The crimes of birth control;
- Employees reduced to the condition of almost slaves;
- Total disrespect for nature, and on this and other points the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the United Nations are silent
- Because of its external economic policies oriented toward the Communist Party, it carries out dishonest business competition, breaking the industries of other countries
What we want:
- That Catholics be free to practice their religion;
- That the crimes of birth control end;
- That an independent judiciary of the Party or Government be established and free to operate;
- That the Vatican make a dignified agreement with China to protect the Catholics, and that it be made the arbitrator in questions regarding Natural Law
How to act:
- To place articles and advertisements in the media stating that those who buy Chinese products are giving their endorsement to a criminal State;
- To disseminate a DVD with the crimes committed in the Chinese Popular Republic and to ask: Do you want to support these criminals when you buy their products?
Posted September 13, 2007

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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