What People Are Commenting
Do Not Close Holy Trinity Church
Hello TIA,
I received this appeal from Boston. I am sending it for your consideration. It looks to me like a good cause that we traditionalists should support, even though these people are afraid of us and speak against us in the last paragraphs.
It seems to me a good example of the internal problems the progressivist agenda is raising in the Conciliar Church making people return to tradition.
It is also a confirmation of what TIA has often said that if a general 'indult' to say the old Mass ever comes, it will be a maneuver to prevent these people from reaching the right position of resistance.
Best regards,
The process to close Holy Trinity German Catholic Church of Boston, MA, is underway. The time is NOW for us to work to KEEP HOLY TRINITY OPEN!
For the Glory of God
Loss of a church dedicated to the Holy Trinity means a decrease in the honor and glory due to Him! Holy Trinity is no more "just a building" than the Mass is "just a meal:"
"Throughout the history of Salvation, we read in Holy Scripture of God's desire to dwell with His people. "How awesome is this place ... the house of God, the gate of Heaven" said Jacob at the spot where he had in a dream received from God confirmation of the Covenant made to Abraham. Later, ... God dwelt with His people in the Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets of the Ten Commandments ... and [then] the splendid Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. [There], God made His physical abode, where the Jews would come to worship and offer ... the sacrifices of oblation which prefigured the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God, the Messiah. Our Lord Jesus Christ, [Who] by His Sacrifice on the Cross, opened the gate of Heaven to us, where we can finally dwell with God for all Eternity. However, while on our earthly sojourn, God still dwells with us by His own desire, now in a much more intimate way through ... the Holy Eucharist. Our churches continue to be God's abode - the House of God, the gate of Heaven - in a very real and physical sense, and ... elevate minds and hearts to the awesome reality of His Presence amidst us." (Msgr. Michael Schmitz, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest).
For the preservation of our Catholic patrimony
The Holy Trinity German Catholic Church in Boston
At the heart of being "traditional" is having something to hand on (tradere) to our children. Who is going to fight to keep this historically and architecturally significant parish on as a living member of the Body of Christ? NOT the major New England historical societies: "Purge the pesky Papist pox from our Puritan province!" those they commemorate may well have said. Ironically, even as it prepares to celebrate its bicentennial, the Archdiocese of Boston fails to appreciate its historic patrimony. It is up to US to preserve this parish - or its German Catholic heritage will disappear forever.
For the social services
Neither the Cardinal Medeiros Center nor Bridge Over Troubled Waters will benefit from a move; both must spend funds they do not have to be located in a less desirable place.
For our rights as Catholics
Luring half the parishioners out of a parish, then closing that same parish for lack of parishioners, violates canon law. In addition, the goods of the parish - the building, the artwork, the vestments, the sacred vessels, our hard-earned contributions - will become assets of the Cathedral while we move elsewhere and cannot benefit from them. Again, we insist: breaking up this flourishing parish and evicting the social service agencies benefits neither the parishioners nor the Archdiocese.
For the benefit of the Latin Mass apostolate
Many people attached to the Latin Mass considered the plan to move the Mass to a parish under the pastorate of Fr. Charles Higgins to be a positive step in the development of the Latin Mass apostolate. However, except for his pastoral leadership, the move to Mary Immaculate of Lourdes in Newton Upper Falls poses many problems.
First, the sanctuary at Mary Immaculate, as currently configured, is less suitable for the celebration of the Latin Mass than is the sanctuary at Holy Trinity. While Mary Immaculate has a high altar, its tabernacle is sealed shut (Fr. Higgins is fixing this ASAP, though), a fixed marble table altar blocks the view of the high altar, and the altar rail is absent. In addition, the main organ in the choir loft is broken, and the choir sits near an electronic organ at the right front of the church.
A Latin Mass on its main altar
Second, the Latin Mass has flourished because its attendees are members of Holy Trinity Parish. Instead of putting energy into the growth of the Latin Mass, its attendees adjust to becoming members of Mary Immaculate of Lourdes, which is itself undergoing a merger. In fact, Holy Trinity parishioners are actually PAWNS in the Reconfiguration process - they are being asked to sacrifice their historic parish to save another. According to Fr. Mark O'Connell, who met with us in November, he decided to move the Latin Mass to Mary Immaculate because, even after a merger, it would be too small to survive further reconfiguration!! So what happens if, even with us, Mary Immaculate is considered too small and slated for closure? Or if Fr. Higgins is reassigned at the end of his term and the new pastor of Mary Immaculate doesn't want the Latin Mass in his parish? How many moves can we survive?
Third, this is no time to weaken the Latin Mass apostolate because the activity of separatist groups that promote the Latin Mass has increased dramatically within the Archdiocese - and that since the announcement of the closure of Holy Trinity in May, 2004. Some people attracted to the Latin Mass, may, unfortunately choose one of these groups because, able to act more quickly because they are small and independent, they can be expected to set up beautifully furnished churches and orthodox-appearing devotional and parish life within the next few years. In contrast, how real are Father O'Connell's statements that the Archdiocese wants the Latin Mass to grow? As real as his promise to hold another public meeting before implementing the merger? As real as Bishop Lennon's promise to get back to us after the Parish Council's meeting with him in August, 2004? As real as ... etc., etc.
Fourth, losing Holy Trinity means losing the best potential home for the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, Institute of Christ the King, or ministry of any Apostolic Administration that may someday be established for the Latin Mass movement. Our best shot of counteracting separatist groups is to turn Holy Trinity over to an order dedicated to the Latin Mass apostolate. Such a group would preserve the German character of the parish, raise money for capital improvements without drawing on Archdiocesan funds, return collection revenues to the Archdiocese, and relieve the Archdiocese from providing clergy to the parish. The closure of historic churches such as Holy Trinity makes the Archdiocese LESS suitable for the ministry of such a group.
Fifth, Holy Trinity is still a good location for the Latin Mass. People who don't drive can get there easily. Daily traditional Mass there would attract people commuting to downtown offices on the T. It has twice the seating capacity of Mary Immaculate, so it can better accommodate growth.
Posted May 25, 2007

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