What People Are Commenting
Gossip, Compromise & Comments
Too Much Gossip
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
Your comments on a "traditional marriage" with the Vatican were alarming.
We have often noted, in our travels through this country, that many of the priests are absolutely absorbed by political intrigue. This intrigue seems to have possession of them.
I think it is diabolical. It stunts them as priests and traps them in a kind of cocoon that must be miserable but this alliance with the Vatican is not the answer.
I am not astute in the political arena but I have learned that those Catholic principles, as taught by the pre-Vatican II Popes, were not political in nature. The reason we didn't schmooze with heretics was not so that we could get something out of them, but because it obstructs Our Lord's ongoing work of conversion. How this alliance will aid His work is not based on Catholic principles and seems to mimic the strategies of the Modernists.
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Gift for God...
I agree with you on Mother Teresa. Here's another example. In the Time magazine article on Assisi I from 1986, she is quoted as calling the event "a beautiful gift for God". No comment is necessary.
In Christo et Maria,
T. H.
Great Tape!
Dear Marian Therese Horvat, Ph.D.,
I have been listening to your tape on Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and it is absolutely wonderful!
Thank you so much for all your hard word and dedication to defend and promote Traditionalism. I am a Traditional Roman Catholic myself.
I have a CD I sell on Ebay and it can be downloaded absolutely free. I have done about 5 years of research and prayer on the Church and the current crisis. If you are interested please go here and tell me what you think.
Sincerely yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

It Tastes Protestant
Hello TIA,
I really enjoyed your article entitled The New Mass: A Flavor of Protestantism.
I've also read a number of your other articles and found them to be very good.
Thanks for the knowledge you have been able to share,
First Visit
I read about your page on a Catholic paper that I receive and I have just now logged onto your site. From what I have seen so far, this site is just what I am looking for. I am in my 60s and have seen how the Church has changed radically from what it was when I was a girl.
One of the biggest changes that I see is that most "modern" Catholic experts in their answers to questions never seem to give a definite answer. They seem to be a lot like our political leaders - talking out of both sides of their mouths and never really saying anything.
The Catholic Church and the traditions I remember as a young woman were straightforward. A person might disagree, but at least he/she could understand what was presented.
I live in Canada.
I look forward to examining your website more closely.
Many thanks for creating it.
Eye Opener
This Letter from Beyond is quite an eye-opener. I wonder if this has been approved by Fr. Bernhardin's superiors.
Are you familiar with a great mystic, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, an exorcist, a priest reputed for his holiness, Fr. Leo F. McNamara? I never knew this priest but I have known people who have similar stories and miracles attributed to him. This priest offered only the canonized Mass, not the Novus Ordo.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary be ever with you!
Posted April 20, 2007

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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