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Lifting the Ban
Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your analysis Lifting the Ban on the Tridentine Mass. You're right on!
One must be very suspicious and attentive about this situation because it can have great consequences on traditionalist practical worship. As for that of the progressivists, it is of no concern since they have all but destroyed it in the last forty years.
We know that God will not permit the destruction of His Church. So let us continue to pray and hope that He will play His own Cards.
Please continue your wonderful work,
God Bless and union of prayers,
F. B.

The Superman Priest
Dear Friends:
Quoting Father Superman from your Picture of the Week:
"No one would have taken me seriously as a wrestler had they known I was a priest. "
Someone should tell Father Superman that no one takes him seriously as a priest, either, and not just because he's a wrestler.

Comforting Words
These words from the article Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces:
We understand, therefore, what the Universal Mediation of graces is. It is the graces that fall entirely to the sole Mediatrix between Jesus Christ and men, and from her they overflow to men.
If this is so, and we know it is, then why should we be so concerned about our enemies, the Devil, the sadness that comes over us upon considering the fruits of Vatican II? When we know that Our Lady is full of grace and the Mediatrix of All Graces, even our sins become less distressing, because with just one word from her we can be freed of everything bad. We can become clean and pure again.
Are a great consolation and reminder for me.
I could not help but smile with great joy upon reading them.
Sincerely in Maria,

Six Marks
Dear TIA,
In less than 12 hours San Francisco's Most Holy Redeemer Parish has twice come to my attention in different contexts. First, as noted below:
* http://www.mhr.org
* http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/eve/224715809.html
* http://revivalbingo.com/
In Fr. Somerville's exhortation The Six Marks of the Novus Ordo, if I may be so bold as to quibble with Fr. Somerville, I would clarify one of those six marks as pseudo-antiquarian.
My thanks again go to you for all your good work.
Posted November 8, 2006

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