What People Are Commenting
Good Sisters & Mother Teresa
A Slideshow Worth Watching!
Tradition in Action,
I read your article on the dancing nuns at Loyola, and am sending a slideshow I think you will enjoy.
Obviously the sisters in it represent the second picture in your article, and it is refreshing to see there are still some of these good sisters. How can the dancing sisters in blue jeans attract good vocations? But the traditional sisters give everyone someone to admire and look up to.
Here is the slideshow.

The Sad Story about Mother Teresa
Dear TIA,
I keep going places on the Internet which I have no intention of finding. I have read TIA's commentary on Mother Teresa, and actually knew the sad story already.
Today I googled "Mother Teresa sisters cult" and came up with several sites (untrustworthy? always a possibility), and now I wonder what she was really all about. You might take a look, although these sites seem to be run by cynical non-believers - but who else can help us these days?
The Vatican II Church is striking me more and more as a whitewasher of facts - Fr. Escriva , and now maybe Mother T, (this in addition to what you have printed and what the Church doesn't want to hear ...)
I wish I had cheerful news, but where to find it? Oh, the grief that being a melancholic Irishman brings. (Thank Heavens I am mostly German!)
Posted July 11, 2006

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