What People Are Commenting
False Ecumenism & Pagan Temples
Dear TIA,
Regarding ecumenism [click here] you may be aware that at 'Catholic' sponsored ecumenical meetings - as at Assisi - a familiar sight are the Parsi (Zoroastrian) priests and their fire worship. I'd like to inform you that these Parsees do not allow non-Parsees to enter their temples.
In the city of Bombay, India one comes across Parsi temples which are called agiaries. All of them have signboards forbiding entry to non-Parsees. Yet, the Parsees attend ecumenical meetings! And no comments from the Catholic Archdiocese of Bombay.
With best wishes I remain
Yours faithfully
Outrageous Cathedrals
Dear TIA,
When I read about the pagan temple in LA that Mahony has erected; when I am taken through a virtual tour of Weakland's rennovated St. John's Cathedral in Milwaukee, I become enraged.
I say that as a convert to Catholicism of 15 years who has only relatively recently come to Traditional worship. I am unable to feel anything but utter contempt for the clerical perpetrators of these outrages. And I was wondering, from a purely dogmatic and scriptural point of view, would Catholics sin by forceably apprehending these rank heretics and liturgical criminals, binding them in chains, carrying them off to the pinnacles of their respective shrines, and tossing them off of them? I am only half kidding.
Posted March 31, 2006

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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