What People Are Commenting
Titles of Address & Modern Culture
Dear TIA,
I enjoyed the article from your website, by Marian Therese Horvat, Ph.D., regarding the address of clergy and religious [click here].
I am in complete agreement with all of her sentiments except for the verbal address of a religious priest. While a religious priest may be correctly addressed in the style of his diocesan bretheren and go by "Father O'Rourke", it is equally correct for him to go by his formal religious name, as "Father Charles Benedict". What would be incorrect, as well as dreadful, is "Father Charlie". Yeechhh!!
Thanks for the work and for the article; I'll be using it as a quick reference!
Lux et veritas,
Dear TIA,
I recently snapped two photos with my cell phone to illustrate a couple of themes written about on your website [click here]. One illustrates the egalitarianism in society and shows a poster recruiting women for traditionally male occupations, such as carpenter. In the picture is a very mannish-looking woman doing construction work.
 The other is an addendum to your article The Taste for the Macabre in Today's Art about the blasphemous Body Works exhibit in Los Angeles. The picture is of an MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) poster advertising a museum display of real human cadavers "artistically posed". That one is not for the squeamish as it is very disturbing...
 Yours truly,
Posted March 28, 2006

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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