What People Are Commenting
Thanks for Speaking Up!
Dear TIA,
I want to thank you so very much for this beautiful, informative and inspiring website. I have ordered from you in the past 2 months and have just recently (2-3 days) have explored this website. I am so overwhelmed with its beauty, and all the glorious stories of our faith and customs that I had no idea about, including the early Catholicization of America!
Please continue on your mission to bring the Truth to the fore for those of us who are starving for it. I also thank you for your beautiful translation of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, which is an astounding one. I will do all that I can to spread this devotion.
Thank you again!!
In His Name,
Praying Fifteen Decades
Dear TIA,
I'm a reader from Guadalajara, Mexico, I like your Website very much. The article "Praying the Fifteen Decades" [click here] by Fr. Sretenovic really moved my soul.
Thank you very much for your good work.
Thank You
Thank you for speaking up.
Thank You for "Murky Waters"
Please tell Mr. Guimaraes that I am in the middle of reading his Murky Waters of Vatican II and cannot thank him enough for this clear and systematic explanation of Vatican II matters. It is a monumental work.
Posted February 16, 2006

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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