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The Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Sister?
Tradition in Action,
I tuned in to the Novus Ordo service internationally broadcast on December 8, from Saint Peter's, supposedly celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was astounded by several things.
First of all, the caption at the bottom of the screen read (paraphrase) that it was in honor of the closing of the Second Vatican Council; the caption was not changed until about half way into the service to read that it was the Immaculate Conception of the BVM.
Second, and most shockingly, during the service, the BVM was repeatedly referred to as "our Mother and Sister" [italics added]. I have never heard the Blessed Virgin Mary referred to as "our Sister" in my entire life. Worse still, the Blessed Virgin Mary was referred to as the patroness and protectoress of the Council, and the fact that she was born without original sin was glossed over, substituting only the word "sin"; doubtlessly, this was done in order not to draw attention to a Catholic doctrine unpalatable to Protestants, Modernists, and other heretics and blasphemers.
My objections to both matters stem from the following:
First, by having a caption that read that the mass was offered in honor of the closing of the Second Vatican Council, instead of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin (no doubt, to attract Protestants and other heretics repulsed by the Marian aspects of Catholicism), the Council was given a greater esteem and honor than the dogma and celebration of a Holy Day of Obligation. This was also an affront on the hyperdulia owed the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is not adored as a goddess, but accorded the highest order of respect for being the immaculate vessel that carried our Savior.
Second, the references to the Blessed Virgin Mary as "our Sister" point to an increasingly destructive democratization of Catholicism, where God becomes an "It," the saints his "collaborators," and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ our "friend."
Has the BVM traditionally been referred to as "our Sister", or is this another Novus Ordo scandal?
Posted January 14, 2006

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