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Thanks for Your Efforts
Dear TIA,
Your article on the morals of John Paul II was very clear and helpful.
I am very concerned about Holy Mother Church and the direction that our late Pontiff took it. Please forgive me if I am speaking too boldly. I don't want to be disobedient in anyway to my Church.
I would like to say it little about myself. I spent many years in search of the Truth and healing from almost a 20-year near death battle with bulimia that took me to the pits of hell where social workers and other support groups were leading me with their subversive New Age foundation. At first, I was not savvy enough recognize the deception of New Age and how it infiltrated every aspect of our culture as I fell into the abyss of a chronic eating disorder that robbed me of my youth, future happiness, and almost my life.
As I journeyed for the Truth I discovered Holy Mother Church and all her Beauty and Richness! It was through Our Blessed Mother and St. Michael that I was brought Home to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I became very active in the Catholic Church utilizing my talents in art and music. I learned much about the saints and the history of our Church.
I was not following closely the actions of our Pope in the years after the fall of Communism. But seeing him with rock groups and singers, hindus, buddhists, islamics, etc... I felt a certain uneasiness, even in the early days when I did not know my Catholic roots. It seemed that Pope JPII was giving credibility to those who followed darkness and it caused much conflict in my struggle to find the Truth and my Catholic Faith.
I wondered how to make sense of Pope JPII "the Great" when I saw so many contradictions: He was supposed to be standing for the culture of life, but was forming friendships with gurus of the culture of death. He was supposed to be establish discipline in the Church, but instead there was a failure to admonish abusive clergy, (eg. Cardinal Law - click here for article). He seemed to be seeking numbers of people without a commitment to follow the Church's teachings... etc.
Anyway, I want to thank you for helping me discern Pope John Paul II's papacy.
God Bless You!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Traditionalist Thanks
I am a traditionalist from Uruguay. I like your website very much! Congratulations!!! I assist at the Latin Mass every Sunday... in Montevideo.
Keep up the good work!
Traditional is Catholic
I was raised by a Traditional mother and father, though, at the time, I would not have called it "Traditional," since to me it was just "Catholic."
As I've gotten older, it has become more difficult to practice the Faith as I once knew it. I know of no one in my local parish who follows the tradition of the home altar I knew when we grew up, and I find I am a bit of an oddball when I habitually wear a dark suit and tie to Mass.
I must say I am glad to have found your website. Thank you for your efforts!
Posted October 4, 2005

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