To the Editor,
Hello, Tradition in Action,
I do love your reflections on Saints of the Day. I have e-mailed a link to your page to my sister who teaches religious education at Most Blessed Sacrament. She tells me that the young people have a voracious appetite to hear about the saints.
I read about St. Eugenius of Carthage (July) and the Vandalism of Catholic Civilization, the preaching of saints on the fire of Hell, the Arian heresy in command of the Catholic hierarchy, virtually all of the Catholics of North Africa martyred or exiled.
Haven't we heard all of this from Our Lady of Fatima on July 13 !!??
Thanks for the Saints
Thank you for your regularly-updated web site. It is very informative and I appreciate what you have done to facilitate increased holiness and devotion.
I especially like the Saint of the Day, because it always presents a very timely and militant aspect of the saint. It helps me to remember the saint because you can see how each one fought in their own times, just as we have to in our days if we want to be saints also.
God Bless,
A Spiritual Balm
Dear TIA,
I've just moved to the U.S. after 8 years in France. While there, your TIA site was a balm to my spiritual desert.
I particularly enjoyed the life of each Saint and found the commentary at the end very edifying.
I'm sure that you do not realize the extent of the importance of your work. There are many like me who truly appreciate your efforts.
May God Bless You!
The Hammer of Heretics
I have read the article about St. Anthony of Padua on your website.
It was very helpful for our days to see him presented by his title as Hammer of Heretics. Most articles don't focus on this important aspect of the great St. Anthony.
If you have any prayers to him under this title, I would appreciate having them.
Posted September 23, 2005

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