What People Are Commenting
A Matrix Poster to Attract Priestly Vocations
Dear TIA,
This quote is by the real-life priest featured in this "recruitment poster" below right: "I know I am hanging in a few girls' bedrooms too, but that's fine - we need their prayers for more priests".... It seems this new poster promoting priesthood in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is a big hit with the youth, who have them in bedrooms and lockers, and think that it is 'cool.'
Is this a proper way to recruit men for the priesthood? Keanu Reeves played a very "cool" character as a priest-look-alike called Neo ('the One') in a trilogy: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolution (Click here for a review by Guimarães). In the movie Matrix II,there was a very explicit love scene involving Neo and a woman called "Trinity." The names themselves were meant to mock the Catholic Faith.
So why is the Archdiocese using this immoral character who presents himself as a strange redemptive god figure to "solicit" for Holy Orders? Why are they promoting a movie with a Gnostic theme to advertise the Catholic Faith? We should be appalled at this approach!
Further, why would a priest be proud to pose in this way? The Diocesan youth director, Fr. Jonathan Meye, said he wanted to say something about today's seminarian - that a priest is a 'cool' hero. Why would that be an important image for a priest? This is a completely wrong attitude to have.
The article accompanying the picture says priests today are "engaged with the world, like John Paul II." What happened to priests being in the world but not of it, like a St. Vincent de Paul, St. Francis de Sales or the Cure of Ars? What about the image of holiness and detachment from the world? Why would a priest be proud to pose in this way?
What are they thinking?
K. H.
Posted Augut 22, 2005

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