International Affairs
Sacrality or Chaos?
Latin America Must Choose Its Direction
André F. Garcia, Brazil
Today we face an extremely pressing question whose solution interests all those who live on the Latin American continent - or look on it with apprehension. In Latin America, builders and destroyers are both striving to carry out irreconcilable tasks. Which will prevail: the restoration of sacrality or the installation of chaos?
Sacrality forged Christian Civilization

The Redeemer in Rio, above; Fort Niebla, Chile, below
When Christian Civilization began to rise from the ruins of the Roman Empire, a new grace animated its builders whereby they understood that God is the only good that totally satisfies the human heart and that His divine rights should be recognized by rulers and the people. The Christian spirit gradually permeated souls and nations, generating an increasing sacralization of laws, customs and institutions, modeling a new art and introducing harmony into social and professional relations.
Sacrality ordered the interior of souls as its light progressively expanded through the home place, infused the intermediary institutions and came to mold even the structures of government. The blessings of Christian Civilization reached Latin America through the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. The Catholic Faith became a strong bond that united the Latin American nations.
Christ Redeemer, atop the Corcovado mountain and turned toward the Atlantic Ocean, has the whole city of Rio de Janeiro at His feet. In this marvelous scenario of natural beauties, the memory of the sacred makes itself present, in a country whose first act of discovery by the Portuguese navigators was the celebration of the Holy Mass.
In America of Spanish origins, the cannons of Fort Niebla point to the Pacific Ocean. They were part of the defensive system that protected Valdivia. At the confluence of three rivers, this beautiful southern Chilean city had to defend itself from the pirates coming from the sea and the continuous Indian attacks from the interior. The symbolism of this fort keeps alive the memory of those heroic times of Christian Civilization in Chile.
Chaos portrays today's world

20,000 people posed nude in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
The chaos that we are witnessing today is the inverse process of the building of Christian Civilization. It results from the de-sacralization of society, the Church and the State, and also of man himself. Man and society broke away from their end: the sacred and the sacral. Material well-being and personal pleasure have become the supreme aspirations of human life. Man occupies the place of God, the machine takes the place of man.
Whereas sacralization introduced harmony and order, chaos spreads disorder and disharmony. The demolishers want to do away with everything in which reflections of the divine infinitude exist. To accomplish their aims, they introduce a criteriological chaos in minds, and an institutional chaos in societies.
A paradigmatic example that shows how this criteriological chaos is promoted was an event that took place in the principal square of Mexico City before the Basilica of the Patroness of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe. In a dantesque scene of public revolt against the Law of God and good customs 20,000 people – men and women - posed for the camera completely nude! They were not even covered by the minimal band of plumage worn in the most primitive tribes.
It was a shocking public exhibition of immorality and amorality, an affront to the sacred and a complete show of moral indifferentism. For the destroyers, it is not enough to tear out the roots of Christian tradition; they want to construct a new America – along communist and tribal lines.
Amerindia: a communist-tribalist plan of continental dimensions
César Benjamin, a well-known Brazilian political scientist and social activist of the left, is projecting a large-scale plan: “Forming a continental unity is a dream that runs through our history. It is present in the life and work of our greatest intellectuals, military men and statesmen – Simon Bolívar of Venezuela, José Marti of Cuba, José Carlos Mariátegui of Peru, Ernesto Guevara of Argentina, Darcy Ribeiro of Brazil, to cite just a few." [1]

A Che Guevara poster at the First Continental Meeting of Indigenous Peoples in La Paz, Bolivia - 2006
On May 7, 2008 the ‘Our America Union Meeting’ took place in Quito. At its end, its position paper, the “Letter of Quito,” was released emphasizing this continental plan. Its conclusion reads: “We are convinced that the direction of the history in Latin America – where it is becoming increasingly clear that the impasse between the darkness of imperialist oppression and the light of a sovereign and socialist future will depend on the initiative of the worker class in the great political battles that are already underway.” [2]
The ‘Our America’ meeting was held jointly with the Ecuador Workers Center (CTE) and the Brazilian Workers Center (CTB), which promote themselves as protagonists in the struggle for the farm and city workers. One of the slogans on the banners of the Brazilian labor movements is this same “Our America.” [3]
Abya Yala was the name given to the Latin American continent by the native Kuna tribes before the arrival of the European colonizers, who lived in Colombia and today live in Panama. Since 2004 this name has been manipulated to serve political-ideological purposes by leftist leaders who want to give a sense of unity to all the descendents of the Indian peoples inhabiting the continent at the time of the Discovery. For example, CIMI – the Indigenous Misssionary Council, an organ linked to the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops - has adopted the use of the name Abya Yala to refer to the new continent in construction. A CIMI news report on the Summit of Indian Peoples affirms: “The peoples of Abya Yala met from May 13-16 [2008] in Peru to discuss how to build a new America.”
We are, therefore, witnessing a continental revolutionary plan. In Brazil, the crisis created in Roraima by setting aside an immense territory – 4.2 million acres - as a reserve for indigenous peoples favors this plan, in so far as it is open to the so-called Bolivian agenda. [Roraima borders Venezuela and Hugo Chaves is said to be one of the sponsors of this indigenous autonomy].
Without exaggeration it can be affirmed that Latin America is in flames. It is being pillaged by the continuous corruption installed in public administration. It is being demolished so that a New Latin America can be constructed in its place, a communist-tribalist continent. And this is taking place with the consensus of numerous Latin American presidents and chancellors – with the exception of Colombia – in obedience to the leftist directives of the Forum of São Paulo.
Benedict’s XVI’s visit to Mexico in January 2009 has already been announced. He will travel to America to participate in the IV World Encounter of Families. Will he quench the flames of this continental fire? There are no signs of such intent.
The historical role of the Church

Bertone blesses Raul Castro's inauguration |
The Catholic Church would normally play an important role in these present day events. But the demolition of the greatest bastion in the world – where the greatest moral and spiritual energies of reaction were concentrated – is already well underway.
One need only recall that His Holiness sent the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to bless the new Communist government of Raúl Castro. Cuba, either in the hands of Raúl or of Fidel, continues as one of the supporters of this continental incendiary plan. How painful it is for Catholics to see holy water being used not to put out this fire, but to bless the incendiaries...
The great task
To observe and comment on the signs of restoration of Christian Civilization or the installation of chaos is the task we have taken up here. We hope that it will be of value for all those who fight for a sacral society and Church, and battle against the deleterious action that has spread chaos in Latin America and the world. For this we implore the assistance and protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas.
1. http://www.desempregozero.org.br/artigos/nossa_america.ph
2. http://www.contee.org.br/noticias/msoc/nmsoc285.asp
3. http://portalctb.org.br
4. CIMI – Indigenous Misssionary Council, an organ linked to the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB). http://www.cimi.org.br
Posted October 20, 2008
André Falleiro Garcia first published this article on his blog
A site turned toward Resistance and rebuilding Catholic Civilization In Portuguese

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