Homosexuality and the Clergy
New UN President Opposes Homosexual Rights
Juan Sanahuja, Argentina
Homosexual associations demanded that the United Nations Security Council immediately remove Ali Abdussalam Treki, a Muslim from Libya, as president of the U.N. Since his election in September 15, 2009 he has headed the General Assembly of that organ, replacing Miguel d’Escoto, the progressivist Catholic priest from Nicaragua.

Abdussalam doesn't accept the homosexual rights claim |
In an interview given after the demand, Ali Abdussalam stated that he was not “in anyway favorable” to the UN Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, also know as Declaration to De-criminalize Homosexuality. This declaration has been endorsed by only 66 of the 192 countries represented in the organization. Last December, France introduced the legislation, which was proposed to the General Assembly by Argentine ambassador Jorge Arguello. On that occasion, it did not receive the majority of ballots needed for approval.
When asked at a press conference whether he would support the Declaration in a future vote, Abdussalam declared: “This is a thorny topic. As a Muslim I do not agree with it. I believe it unacceptable to the greater part of the world, and it is totally unacceptable to our tradition and religion … There are some countries that permit it [homosexuality], under the supposition that it is a type of democracy. I believe that it is not.”
On this particular issue, Abdussalam’s position is consistent with Natural Law. What is surprising is that many so-called Catholics do not speak out - including members of the Clergy - to clearly expound the principles of Natural Law and Catholic Doctrine.
The homosexual lie
The International Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Association - ILGA - immediately reacted to the UN president’s statement. Since the Declaration calls for the universal de-criminalization of homosexuality, it affirmed, then “one cannot avoid concluding that the new president of the UN General Assembly wants to criminalize lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders.” EveryOne Group, another international anti-discrimination group, adds that Abdussalam would be favorable to the death penalty given to homosexuals.
The deceitful propaganda methods of the pink international movement became clear in 2008 when it pretended that the aim of the mentioned Declaration was to abolish the death penalty for homosexuals. However, another resolution abolishing the death penalty for any cause had been already approved in 2007 by the UN General Assembly.

Gay rights groups around the world are organizing to pressure the UN to remove Abdussalam |
This homosexual campaign is as devious as it was mendacious. It began by asking for the abolition of the death penalty, and then changed course to ask for complete liberty for homosexuals, recognition of “gay marriage,” adoption of children, de-criminalization of pedophilia or perverted acts with minors, and abolishment of censuring homosexual relation between teachers and students in high-schools and universities. In short they seem to say, “Whoever does not approve any behavior in our lifestyle wants to condemn us to death.”
EveryOne Group is calling for every lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organization to pressure the European Commission, the European Parliament and all the countries that endorsed the Declaration - especially France and Holland - to demand the removal of the Libyan diplomat from the presidency of the UN.
Obama supports the Declaration
On March 18, 2009 the AFP announced the support of Barack Obama UN Statement on 'Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity, a reversal of the position taken by the Bush administration, which refused to sign onto the document when it was first circulated. How this approval will play into the whole picture remains to be seen.
Posted October 14, 2009
Juan Sanahuja first published this article in Spanish on his website
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