Consequences of Vatican II
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More Antics of the Taoist Pope
The article on the Taoist background of Pope Francis by Atila Guimarães was an eye-opener. First, it is truly shocking that a Catholic Cardinal would become a disciple of a Taoist monk, opening himself to his teachings and cures, which are both practical and ‘magical’ – the latter just another name for demonic.
Second, it really helped me to understand that his media stunts result not just as buffoonery, but as a reflection of a pagan philosophy, since, as Guimarães points out, ”naturalness, spontaneity and simplicity are indispensable for a person to be perfectly in tune with the universal energy Tao.”
I decided to look a bit more into Taoism and read this on a Taoist’s blog: “One of the first things we learn about ‘being a Taoist’ is that it has a lot to do with spontaneity … frequently spoken of in terms of wuwei: spontaneous non-volitional action.” That would be a direct, experimental knowing of one’s inter-connectedness with “all-that-is.” It is to follow, so to speak, “the will of Tao,” something quite different than the Catholic who follows the will of God.
Taoist sages are frequently portrayed as being extremely childlike: playful, innocent, free-roaming rascally sorts who delight in telling stories, wandering aimlessly through mountains and valleys, playing hide-and-seek with the village children and all variety of other simple things. Their movements in the world exemplify wuwei.
It is interesting to note that the guru-physician of Pope Bergoglio, Taoist master Liu Ming Lu, states in the interview he gave to an international magazine that Francis is one of these great wise men. Certainly his extraordinary spontaneity, which the modern press is wildly praising as simplicity and humility, would seem to fit more with the Tao religion than the traditional road of Catholic virtue.
A display of spontaneity
We were treated to an extraordinary display of this spontaneity when Francis donned a red nose at a wedding of members of a charity that uses clowns to cheer up children.
Of course, the press loved it and said it was an example of his sense of humor and compassion. It seemed more buffoonery to me. That same buffoonery that is shown by the initiated in Taoism.
However, “becoming a clown” is not the way a Pope should be. Embracing a life of sacrifice, following the way of the Cross that Christ came to teach us and maintaining the dignity of office - this is the duty of the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Francis, on the other hand, seems to delight in finding new ways to break the symbols and status of the papal monarchy. A clown, a Taoist sage, whatever you call it, he is flouting the sacrality, seriousness and transcendence that had been always reflected in the papal office until Vatican II.
Another show...
Another media stunt of late took place during a papal audience on October 26, 2013 in St. Peter’s Square during an audience with families gathered for the Pontifical Council for the Family’s assembly. At it we were “entertained” by a little boy in blue jeans who wandered onstage.
No one told him to leave and return to his place, which was already a front seat spot with the other children. They were all seated on the ground in their casual clothes and tennis shoes with balloons to keep them amused, because apparently children cannot wear “Sunday clothes” and sit in chairs anymore, even if they are in an audience with the Pope.
The boy waltzed around the Pope, sat in his ”throne,” pulled on his arm, hugged his leg, and basically “stole the show.” My first thought was that he must have some kind of mental disability or attention deficit disorder. Then, I realized that this naughty revolutionary behavior was largely seen as “cute.”
Commentators and bloggers can’t find enough words to praise this absurd incident. Am I the only one shocked at the atrocious behavior of this poorly dressed child running around the Vatican stage and making himself the center of attention. My reaction was to tell his parents: “Take this boy off stage – for his sake and ours.” But perhaps the parents also suffer from the same mental disability…
Confucian scholars were criticized by the Tao sages for imposing rules and social expectations, which they claimed would cause more harm than good because they restrict spontaneous and natural behavior and disturb the natural flow of the universe's energy. Perhaps it is the Taoist background of the present Pope that explains why he seems to delight in breaking all the rules and papal protocol. It also explains why he was so complacent with the boy who was, after all, just expressing his own natural spontaneity…
A reader could object: “You are forcing things to make the Pope seem like a Taoist.”
My answer: I am trying to show that Francis’ spontaneity can well have a religious purpose that is not Catholic, since he seems very much to be an adept of the Taoist practices that cured him from many serious diseases. However, I do not present this as a certainty, but as a hypothesis.
The certainty is that, Taoist or not, he is favoring the Cultural Revolution by breaking all the rules of the papal protocol and ceremonial, he is favoring Communism by his constant attacks on private property and the superfluous, and he is endorsing the centuries-old Masonic Revolution by doing whatever he can to destroy the monarchy and hierarchy in the Church.
Posted November 18, 2013
Second, it really helped me to understand that his media stunts result not just as buffoonery, but as a reflection of a pagan philosophy, since, as Guimarães points out, ”naturalness, spontaneity and simplicity are indispensable for a person to be perfectly in tune with the universal energy Tao.”
I decided to look a bit more into Taoism and read this on a Taoist’s blog: “One of the first things we learn about ‘being a Taoist’ is that it has a lot to do with spontaneity … frequently spoken of in terms of wuwei: spontaneous non-volitional action.” That would be a direct, experimental knowing of one’s inter-connectedness with “all-that-is.” It is to follow, so to speak, “the will of Tao,” something quite different than the Catholic who follows the will of God.
Taoist sages are frequently portrayed as being extremely childlike: playful, innocent, free-roaming rascally sorts who delight in telling stories, wandering aimlessly through mountains and valleys, playing hide-and-seek with the village children and all variety of other simple things. Their movements in the world exemplify wuwei.
It is interesting to note that the guru-physician of Pope Bergoglio, Taoist master Liu Ming Lu, states in the interview he gave to an international magazine that Francis is one of these great wise men. Certainly his extraordinary spontaneity, which the modern press is wildly praising as simplicity and humility, would seem to fit more with the Tao religion than the traditional road of Catholic virtue.
A display of spontaneity
We were treated to an extraordinary display of this spontaneity when Francis donned a red nose at a wedding of members of a charity that uses clowns to cheer up children.

Francis acting spontaneously, like a Taoist 'wise man'
However, “becoming a clown” is not the way a Pope should be. Embracing a life of sacrifice, following the way of the Cross that Christ came to teach us and maintaining the dignity of office - this is the duty of the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Francis, on the other hand, seems to delight in finding new ways to break the symbols and status of the papal monarchy. A clown, a Taoist sage, whatever you call it, he is flouting the sacrality, seriousness and transcendence that had been always reflected in the papal office until Vatican II.
Another show...
Another media stunt of late took place during a papal audience on October 26, 2013 in St. Peter’s Square during an audience with families gathered for the Pontifical Council for the Family’s assembly. At it we were “entertained” by a little boy in blue jeans who wandered onstage.

Stealing the show...
The boy waltzed around the Pope, sat in his ”throne,” pulled on his arm, hugged his leg, and basically “stole the show.” My first thought was that he must have some kind of mental disability or attention deficit disorder. Then, I realized that this naughty revolutionary behavior was largely seen as “cute.”
Commentators and bloggers can’t find enough words to praise this absurd incident. Am I the only one shocked at the atrocious behavior of this poorly dressed child running around the Vatican stage and making himself the center of attention. My reaction was to tell his parents: “Take this boy off stage – for his sake and ours.” But perhaps the parents also suffer from the same mental disability…
Confucian scholars were criticized by the Tao sages for imposing rules and social expectations, which they claimed would cause more harm than good because they restrict spontaneous and natural behavior and disturb the natural flow of the universe's energy. Perhaps it is the Taoist background of the present Pope that explains why he seems to delight in breaking all the rules and papal protocol. It also explains why he was so complacent with the boy who was, after all, just expressing his own natural spontaneity…
A reader could object: “You are forcing things to make the Pope seem like a Taoist.”
My answer: I am trying to show that Francis’ spontaneity can well have a religious purpose that is not Catholic, since he seems very much to be an adept of the Taoist practices that cured him from many serious diseases. However, I do not present this as a certainty, but as a hypothesis.
The certainty is that, Taoist or not, he is favoring the Cultural Revolution by breaking all the rules of the papal protocol and ceremonial, he is favoring Communism by his constant attacks on private property and the superfluous, and he is endorsing the centuries-old Masonic Revolution by doing whatever he can to destroy the monarchy and hierarchy in the Church.

Papal audiences with children in the past. The children were dressed well and were on their best behavior. The Popes showed a paternal goodness, always maintaining the dignity of their office.

Posted November 18, 2013