New Canonizations
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JPII’s Canonization: A Mockery of Sanctity
The recent canonization of Pope John Paul II is one of the quickest canonization in the History of the Catholic Church. As such, it strains credulity because many of the actions or omissions of this Pope greatly contributed to vast numbers of souls not being granted the eternal vision of God. It is a perversion of justice that a man can be responsible for actions that contributed to denying millions of souls the eternal vision of God and yet be granted that himself.
Indirect support for abortion and Communism
He did nothing to effectively stop the worldwide spread of abortion. Admittedly he “talked the talk,” since he spoke frequently of “the sanctity of life.” However, he failed utterly to “walk the walk.” He personally and publicly gave Holy Communion to Francesco Rutelli, a member of Alliance for Italy, a well-known active supporter of Italy’s abortion law, which is among the most permissive of such laws in the entire world.
He very publicly displayed his admiration for Michael Gorbachev, knowing full well that Gorbachev was a leader in the promotion of abortion worldwide.
He did not demand that Holy Communion be denied to officials who proudly proclaim themselves Catholics while publicly advocating abortion and voting for government approval and support for abortion.
He highly praised the policies of the Chinese communist government - which included the horrible one-child program - when on October 24, 2001, he wrote:
“The Chinese people, especially in more recent times, have set themselves important objectives in the field of social progress. The Catholic Church for her part, regards with respect this impressive thrust and far-sighted planning. The Church has very much at heart the values and objectives, which are of primary importance also to modern China: solidarity, peace, social justice, the wise use of management of the phenomena of globalization, and civil progress of all peoples.” (1)
Since a one-child policy was fundamental to attain most of these goals, abortion was a primary method of achieving the policy. As a consequence, untold millions of souls were denied the opportunity to enjoy the beatific vision.
Finally, since God created man to know, love and serve Him and to be forever with Him in Heaven, by actions like these, the Pope denied the will of God, because an aborted baby has absolutely no opportunity to live out his/her life with the aim of being with God eternally in Heaven as God intended.
One must never forget that denying even a single soul the opportunity of having the beatific vision is not worth the pacification of all the politicians and pro-abortion individuals that ever existed.
Complacency with homosexuality & pedophilia
The Pope was well aware of the existence of a “gay” lobby in the Vatican itself and of the spread of homosexual and pedophile vices inside of the Church. He was not unaware that many colleges and universities calling themselves Catholic were promoting those sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance.
Since it is highly probable that many practicing homosexuals and pedophiles did not die in the state of grace, they were condemned to Hell. To assume that the person with the supreme authority did little or nothing to assist those souls could be raised to the altars derides both God’s mercy and His judgment.
Helping Communism
Despite knowing that the Blessed Virgin specifically named Russia as the country to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, Pope John Paul II, as a Bishop at Vatican Council II, was responsible, along with many other Bishops, for removing from the Council document Gaudium et spes any condemnation of Communism. Moreover, he did so over the strong opposition of Czech Archbishop Hilca.
In 1967, shortly after being made a Cardinal, he counseled Pope Paul VI to deemphasize the Ukrainian Uniate Catholic Church in favor of the Soviet KGB controlled “Orthodox Church.” (2)
Omitting Russia's consecration
Furthermore, during his very long pontificate of 27 years, he ignored the pleas of millions of Catholics to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in full accord with the instructions of both Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Such a consecration would undoubtedly have aided the conversion of Russia and the salvation of countless of souls
Forgetting millions of persecuted Catholics
The Pope further showed his disdain for both the souls and the lives of Catholics by maintaining total silence over the communist induced death by starvation of approximately 10 million innocent people in the Ukraine. In obvious contrast, he frequently spoke out in defense and support of the 6 million Jews who suffered and died so horribly at the hand of the Nazis. In fact he went so far as to proclaim that Auschwitz was the Golgotha for the Jews, thus insulting Christ, who is God, by equating His agonizing death with the death of millions of human beings.
Disobeying Our Lady’s orders
John Paul II boldly contradicted God’s request made by the Blessed Virgin. On July 13, 1917, during her apparition to the three children at Fatima, she ordered the following prayer be said at the end of each decade of the Rosary: “Oh My Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need.”
In paragraph 35 of his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, released on October 16, 2002, John Paul II replaced that prayer requested by God with a made-up prayer. Such a proposal is in clear contradiction to Our Lady’s request and endangers the eternal welfare of the soul.
Destroying respect for Mass in the WYDs
Prior to the Council, the Church held as de Fide teachings that “The Holy Mass is a true and proper sacrifice” and that “in the Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is made present, its memory is celebrated and its saving power is applied.” (3)
Since the celebration of the traditional Mass was designed to honor God, prior to attending the Mass, attendees were encouraged to dress properly, conduct themselves in a respectful, quiet and prayerful manner in complete harmony with the celebration of the Mass, which is characterized by a sense of reverence, prayer and awe.
In direct contrast with this bi-millennial practice, in order to attract the youth, prior to the celebration of a WYD Mass - with total support of John Paul II - the youth are encouraged to relax, mingle with one another, dress casually, dance and sing songs set to modern rock and roll music, and in general conduct themselves as if they were attending a rock concert. Consequently, the celebration of a WYD Mass takes place in an atmosphere that is an insult to God.
Obviously, the irreverent celebrations of the WYD Masses deprive the youth of many graces so necessary for the eternal salvation of their souls.
Knowing that Christ, who is God, established the Catholic Church for the purpose of giving honor and glory to Him and for the salvation of souls, God’s mercy and judgment are surely mocked when the Pope, who so abandoned his duty and charge, can be declared as having attained the beatific vision.
Posted June 11, 2014
Indirect support for abortion and Communism
He did nothing to effectively stop the worldwide spread of abortion. Admittedly he “talked the talk,” since he spoke frequently of “the sanctity of life.” However, he failed utterly to “walk the walk.” He personally and publicly gave Holy Communion to Francesco Rutelli, a member of Alliance for Italy, a well-known active supporter of Italy’s abortion law, which is among the most permissive of such laws in the entire world.

Pro-abortion leader Rutelli, right,
received Communion from JPII
He did not demand that Holy Communion be denied to officials who proudly proclaim themselves Catholics while publicly advocating abortion and voting for government approval and support for abortion.
He highly praised the policies of the Chinese communist government - which included the horrible one-child program - when on October 24, 2001, he wrote:
“The Chinese people, especially in more recent times, have set themselves important objectives in the field of social progress. The Catholic Church for her part, regards with respect this impressive thrust and far-sighted planning. The Church has very much at heart the values and objectives, which are of primary importance also to modern China: solidarity, peace, social justice, the wise use of management of the phenomena of globalization, and civil progress of all peoples.” (1)
Since a one-child policy was fundamental to attain most of these goals, abortion was a primary method of achieving the policy. As a consequence, untold millions of souls were denied the opportunity to enjoy the beatific vision.
Finally, since God created man to know, love and serve Him and to be forever with Him in Heaven, by actions like these, the Pope denied the will of God, because an aborted baby has absolutely no opportunity to live out his/her life with the aim of being with God eternally in Heaven as God intended.
One must never forget that denying even a single soul the opportunity of having the beatific vision is not worth the pacification of all the politicians and pro-abortion individuals that ever existed.
Complacency with homosexuality & pedophilia

Despite numerous warnings, JPII blessed and supported pedophile Fr. Maciel Marcial
Since it is highly probable that many practicing homosexuals and pedophiles did not die in the state of grace, they were condemned to Hell. To assume that the person with the supreme authority did little or nothing to assist those souls could be raised to the altars derides both God’s mercy and His judgment.
Helping Communism
Despite knowing that the Blessed Virgin specifically named Russia as the country to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, Pope John Paul II, as a Bishop at Vatican Council II, was responsible, along with many other Bishops, for removing from the Council document Gaudium et spes any condemnation of Communism. Moreover, he did so over the strong opposition of Czech Archbishop Hilca.
In 1967, shortly after being made a Cardinal, he counseled Pope Paul VI to deemphasize the Ukrainian Uniate Catholic Church in favor of the Soviet KGB controlled “Orthodox Church.” (2)
Omitting Russia's consecration
Furthermore, during his very long pontificate of 27 years, he ignored the pleas of millions of Catholics to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in full accord with the instructions of both Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Such a consecration would undoubtedly have aided the conversion of Russia and the salvation of countless of souls
Forgetting millions of persecuted Catholics
The Pope further showed his disdain for both the souls and the lives of Catholics by maintaining total silence over the communist induced death by starvation of approximately 10 million innocent people in the Ukraine. In obvious contrast, he frequently spoke out in defense and support of the 6 million Jews who suffered and died so horribly at the hand of the Nazis. In fact he went so far as to proclaim that Auschwitz was the Golgotha for the Jews, thus insulting Christ, who is God, by equating His agonizing death with the death of millions of human beings.
Disobeying Our Lady’s orders
John Paul II boldly contradicted God’s request made by the Blessed Virgin. On July 13, 1917, during her apparition to the three children at Fatima, she ordered the following prayer be said at the end of each decade of the Rosary: “Oh My Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need.”
In paragraph 35 of his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, released on October 16, 2002, John Paul II replaced that prayer requested by God with a made-up prayer. Such a proposal is in clear contradiction to Our Lady’s request and endangers the eternal welfare of the soul.
Destroying respect for Mass in the WYDs

Paris 1997 - a casual style at a homily during a WYD Mass; below, warming up for prayer with rock in Rio

Since the celebration of the traditional Mass was designed to honor God, prior to attending the Mass, attendees were encouraged to dress properly, conduct themselves in a respectful, quiet and prayerful manner in complete harmony with the celebration of the Mass, which is characterized by a sense of reverence, prayer and awe.
In direct contrast with this bi-millennial practice, in order to attract the youth, prior to the celebration of a WYD Mass - with total support of John Paul II - the youth are encouraged to relax, mingle with one another, dress casually, dance and sing songs set to modern rock and roll music, and in general conduct themselves as if they were attending a rock concert. Consequently, the celebration of a WYD Mass takes place in an atmosphere that is an insult to God.
Obviously, the irreverent celebrations of the WYD Masses deprive the youth of many graces so necessary for the eternal salvation of their souls.
Knowing that Christ, who is God, established the Catholic Church for the purpose of giving honor and glory to Him and for the salvation of souls, God’s mercy and judgment are surely mocked when the Pope, who so abandoned his duty and charge, can be declared as having attained the beatific vision.
- Apud Jonathan Tuttle, “Who is Sorry, Mao?” The Remnant, November 15, 2001.
- See “The Perplexing Pontificate of Pope John Paul II” by Dr. Remi Amelunxen.
- L. Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Doctrine, p. 407).

Posted June 11, 2014