Cultural Clash in Pictures
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Catholic Nuns Step Out in the Women’s March

Photo by Global Sister Report
An egg-faced smiling woman in her late forties dressed in the revolutionary clothing of our times, a sweat suit and tennis shoes, poses in front of the Capitol building. She holds a poster-cartoon that represents a pre-Vatican II nun in full habit, which reads “Sisterhood is Powerful.”
Who is she and why does she carry this sign? The answer may surprise you.
In a testimony printed in the Global Sisters Report, we learn that this post-conciliar woman looking like any lay woman is a sister of St. Joseph who traveled from Philadelphia to Washington DC to march with fellow feminists in the Women's March on January 21, 2017. Despite some trepidation about the pro-abortion platform of the marchers, Sister Colleen Gibson decided she had to go because of her deeply-shared concerns on social justice and ecological issues.
A Catholic religious sister, she takes her place among the marchers for women's power and the feminist revolution. She also wants to send a strong signal to President Donald Trump of her vehement disapproval of many of his conservative policies, especially on issues like immigration, religious tolerance and environmental justice.
The ardent concerns of Sr. Colleen and the other marchers are listed in the “Unity Principles” on the Women's March website, where we find causes that would comfortably fit on the Communist Party platform, such as “worker’s rights,” "gender justice," “LGBT rights," “reproductive rights." There is also a clause on the rights of every person to clean water and air, and the environment's right to protection that could have come straight from Francis' Laudato Si'.

Short cropped older Benedictine Sisters marching in their blue jeans in the Chicago Women's March. Below, UN reps Sr. Winifred & Sr. Deline hold placards on their commitment to gender, economic & climate justice - Global Sisters Reports photos

These nuns are rabidly militant in their leftist causes, prepared to conscientize young women on how to aggressively fight for their so-called rights. The Adrian Dominicans already have issued a statement strongly condemning Trump's order to advance construction on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. A religious administrator of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana, wants to "keep the energy going" by focusing on midterm elections to counter the Trump triumph that she says is aligned with misogyny, racism and fear of religious minorities. The key concern of the Maryknoll Sisters is the immigration issue. "We can't let this become another Arab Spring that fizzles out. We have to organize, not agonize," one proclaims.
The fruit of this progressivist spirit of the nuns is found in the young women they are forming. "Love is the most important thing in the whole world," said Taylor Lach, a 21-year-old Loyola University student who attended the Women's March in Chicago. "I feel like this is 100% of what the Catholic Church teaches." Rosa King, a graduate of Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory in San Francisco and Santa Clara University, agreed, stating that the Women's March is "a perfect example of Catholic teachings about social justice coming into action."
The notions of what the Church teaches that these young misguided feminists espouse are 100% wrong. Their testimonies are not those of young people affirming the Faith, they are testimonies of youth who have no notion of the Catechism or the perennial Catholic doctrine. They are testimonies of the destruction of the Church, worked by the same sisters and priests who used to uphold and maintain her before Vatican II.
These modern nuns have lost any remnant of the sensus catholicus, replaced with a raging revolutionary spirit of equality. They are radical ecologists and globalists, eager to protect the rights of ”Mother Earth” and all false religions. They are the first to jump in to deny the authentic right of the one true Religion, the Catholic Faith. They are feminists, demanding equal rights not just for women, but for lesbians and transgenders.
They can march arms locked and in step with women whose highest priority is abortion, under the pretext that there are "other life issues" like access to health care and doing away with the death penalty. How in good conscience can anyone compare such topics to the slaughter of innocent children in the womb?
Also shocking are the sponsors of these Women's Marches attended by Catholic sisters: Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Human Rights Campaign, National Organization for Women, National Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Occupy Wall Street, the NAACP, Greenpeace, Southern Poverty Law Center, even the Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party USA. One sponsor calls itself Catholic by name, Catholics for Free Choice, although how a person can be both Catholic and pro-abortion is unfathomable.

Pre-conciliar teaching and nursing sisters of St. Joseph, active in work for Christ, not feminist activists
It is interesting to see that, to muster enthusiasm for her feminist cause, the completely secularized Sister Colleen carries a placard with a nun in a full habit. This traditional pre-Vatican II nun supposedly proclaims "Sisterhood is power."
Nothing could be more absurd. The pre-conciliar Sisters of St. Joseph who wore full habits – like the nuns in the pictures at left – were too busy instructing children in Catholic schools and nursing the sick in Catholic hospitals to be concerned about empowerment and equality for women.
Unlike the modern day sister liberated by Vatican II, the past nuns wanted to be hidden, like Our Lady, serving Our Lord in their vocation, silent and withdrawn from the world in their recollected prayer life that sustained the active work. This is the kind of nun that still attracts idealist young women and sparks enthusiasm among those who remember the nuns who gave up everything to teach and serve them.
There was nothing feminist or worldly about the nuns of old that Sr. Colleen pretends to be in solidarity with in her modern "sisterhood." In fact, the new brand of post-conciliar sisters unabashedly reject what the habit stands for: separation from the world, the discipline and sacrifice demanded to wear it, the sacrality and dignity it represents.
It is because of this great dignity that even a roughly drawn stick figure of the pre-Vatican II nun in a habit attracts attention and sympathy. The post-conciliar sisters – who have soundly rejected the habit and all it stands for – nonetheless do not hesitate to use that symbol to promote their progressivist agenda.

Posted February 1, 2017