DVD Information
A Pilgrimage to the Holy
Dr. Remi Amelunxen
A visit to all the important sites of the Holy Land
with their incredibly rich history
To start the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Dr. Remi Amelunxen takes us to the Old City of Jerusalem, pointing out the significant places relating to Our Lord and Our Lady. Then, we view all the important cities and towns of the Holy Land.
Along the way, Dr. Amelunxen speaks about the crisis in the Church, the History of the Mass and the details of the Passion following the texts of Ven. Mary of Agreda's City of God. It is a pilgrimage, but also much more, an inspiring meditation on the life of Christ.
The presentation is divided into Four Sessions for convenient viewing.
As a prelude to the slide presentation, the Introduction concentrates on the shocking apostasy in our Holy Catholic Church. Dr. Amelunxen presents important messages and prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Good Success that relate to this great crisis we are witnessing today.
 | The Tower Antonia; below, the Cenacle where Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist
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In Session One, we travel the Via Dolorosa [Way of the Cross] in the Old City of Jerusalem - where today a Church stands on the site where each Station took place. We visit the Tower Antonia where the trial of Pilate took place, the Church of the Flagellation where the scourging of Our Lord occurred, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the place of Our Lord's Crucifixion, death and burial.
Dr. Remi's comments on the horrific Passion are based primarily on the revelations of Ven. Mary of Agreda, Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerick and St. Bridget. He also gives a detailed history of the Holy Shroud of Turin.
In Session Two, we visit the Upper Room of the Cenacle where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was instituted. Here Dr. Remi speaks on the History of the Mass from the Last Supper up to our times, as well as on the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano.
Then, onto the Church of the Dormition, where the death of the Blessed Mother took place, and the House of Caiphas where Our Lord was first tried. We cross the Kidron Valley to the Church of the Agony where Our Lord suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Other important sites visited are the Church of the Assumption, where Our Lady was assumed into Heaven, and the Chapel of the Ascension at the top of the Mount of Olives, where Our Lord ascended into Heaven.
Session Three focuses on En Karem, the site of the Visitation of the Blessed Mother and her cousin St. Elizabeth, Bethany where Lazarus was raised from the dead, and Bethlehem where Our Lord Jesus Christ was born. Dr. Remi gives the incredible history of the Basilica of the Nativity and offers meditations based on The City of God.
Then, we travel south down the River Jordon to where Our Lord was baptized by St. John the Baptist and the Sacrament instituted, the Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and the site of Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by God as punishment for its sins.
 | Mount Tabor where the Transfiguration took place
Session Four tours many sites in North Israel, starting with Mount Carmel, where we hear the story of Elias and the false priests of Baal. Then, on to the Holy House in Nazareth, which was trans-located by the angels to Loreto in Italy, and to Mount Tabor where the Second transfiguration of Our Lord before His Passion took place.
Following the beautiful sea of Galilee we visit Capharnaum where Our Lord preached the Beatitudes. Not far away is the Church of the Multiplication where Our Lord worked the miracle of the loaves and fishes. From there we go to Tabgha where Our Lord appeared to His apostles after His Resurrection and, finally, to the Church of the Beatitudes.
These are dangerous times to travel physically to the Holy Land. How many persons have commented that seeing this slide show and hearing the detailed history is the best alternative possible to going there!
This is a remarkable tour in four sessions - you can choose one for each evening - or plan an afternoon to take the whole pilgrimage.
Format: DVD 3 1/2 hours (E-2) Publication Date: November 2017
Price: $ 15
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