Forgotten Truths
Cohabitation before Marriage
Is a Hateful Abomination
Pope Pius XI rigorously condemns any type of cohabitation before marriage, be it called "experimental marriage," "temporary marriage" or simply "companionship."
This part of his Encyclical Casti connubii complements the defense of marriage
which he and other Popes made, thus expressing the Magisterium of the Church on this Sacrament.
Pius XI
Armed with these principles [that the marriage was not instituted by God but by men], some men go so far as to concoct new species of unions, suited, as they say, to the present temper of men and the times, which various new forms of matrimony they presume to label "temporary," "experimental" and "companionate." These offer all the indulgence of matrimony and its rights without, however, the indissoluble bond, and without offspring, unless later the parties alter their cohabitation into a matrimony in the full sense of the law.
Indeed there are some who desire and insist that these practices be legitimatized by the law or, at least, excused by their general acceptance among the people. They do not seem even to suspect that these proposals partake of nothing of the modern "culture" in which they glory so much, but are simply hateful abominations which beyond all question reduce our truly cultured nations to the barbarous standards of savage peoples.
Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Casti connubii, December 31, 1930, §§ 51, 52
Posted on January 21, 2023

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