Forgotten Truths
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Pius XII: Yes to Large Families;
No to Birth Control
As the October Synod approaches with the progressivist wing (Bergoglio, Kasper, Marx et alii) pushing the agenda to officially endorse all modern moral errors including birth control, it is timely to remember the constant doctrine of the Church on this topic. It is duly expressed in an Allocution by Pius XII to the Association of Large Families in Italy. Here are his wise words:
Pope Pius XII
Among the most harmful aberrations that have appeared in modern pagan society is the opinion of those who dare to define fruitfulness in marriage as a "social malady," and who maintain that any nation that finds itself thus afflicted must exert every effort and use every means to cure the disease. This is the basis for the propaganda that goes under the name of "planned parenthood"; at times it is promoted by persons and organizations who command respect because of their positions in various fields, but who, unfortunately, have taken a stand in this matter that must be condemned.
Sad as it is to realize how widespread doctrines and practices of this kind have become, even among the traditionally healthy classes, it is comforting to see symptoms and facts of a healthy reaction in your country, both in the legal and in the medical fields. … We particularly deplore that the press from time to time returns to the topic with the obvious intention of confusing the ideas of the simple good people and inducing them into error with false evidence, questionable polls, and even distorted statements from some cleric or other.
On the part of Catholics, We must urge the wide dissemination of the principle, firmly founded on truth, that the only way to protect the physical and moral health of the family and of society is through whole-hearted obedience to the laws of nature, that is, those of the Creator, and most of all by fostering a sacred, heart-felt respect for them.
In this matter, everything depends on the intention. One could multiply laws and make the penalties heavier; one could give irrefutable proofs of the senselessness of birth-control theories and of the harm that comes from putting them into practice. But as long as there is no sincere determination to let the Creator carry on His work as He chooses, then human egoism will always find new sophistries and excuses to shut down the voice of conscience – to the extent it can – and to continue the abuses.
Now, the value of the testimony offered by the parents of large families lies not only in their unequivocal and forceful rejection of any intentional compromise with the law of God and human egoism, but also in their readiness to accept joyfully and gratefully these priceless gifts of God – their children – in whatever number it may please Him to send them.
This disposition of soul frees married couples from unsupportable nightmares and remorse, and, according to outstanding doctors, creates more favorable psychological conditions for the healthy development of children born of the marriage. For, right at the beginning of these new lives, it eliminates all those torments and anguishes that become physical or psychological deficiencies in the mother or in the offspring.

(Allocution by Pope Pius XII on January 20, 1958, to the
Directors of the Associations for Large Families of Rome and Italy ,
Petrópolis: Vozes, 1958, nn. 6-9.)
Directors of the Associations for Large Families of Rome and Italy ,
Petrópolis: Vozes, 1958, nn. 6-9.)
Posted May 9, 2014