Stories & Legends
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How the Birds & Beasts Mourned
the Coming Death of Our Lady
She also describes how the natural created world reacted with sadness to the knowledge of the departure of their great Queen.
During the course of these three last years of the life of our Queen and Lady, the Divine Power permitted a certain hidden and sweet force to throw all nature into mourning and sorrow at the prospective death of that Woman, who by her life beautified and perfected all Creation.

The birds sang sorrowful notes, mourning their coming loss
The heavens, the stars and planets lost much of their brightness and beauty, like the day at the approach of night. The birds of the air fell into singular demonstrations of sorrow during these last years. A great multitude of them ordinarily gathered where the MMost Blessed Mary happened to be. Surrounding her oratory in unusual flight and motions, they uttered, instead of their natural songs, sorrowful notes, as if they were lamenting and groaning in their grief, until the Lady herself ordered them again to praise their Creator in their natural and musical tones.

Wild beasts approached & bowed with sorrow before Our Lady when she visited Mount Calvary
Not only the birds of the air indulged in this sorrow, but also the brute beasts of the earth. For when one day, according to her custom, the Queen of Heaven went to visit the Holy Places of the Redemption and arrived on Mount Calvary, many wild beasts came from the surrounding mountains to wait for her.

The sun was fully eclipsed on the day of Our Lady;'s death
The most wonderful sign of this general mourning among the creatures was that the light of the sun, the moon and the stars was diminished, and on the day of her Transition they were eclipsed as at the death of the Redeemer of the world.
Although many of the wise and thoughtful men noticed these unwonted changes in the celestial orbs, all were ignorant of the cause, and could only express their astonishment. But the Apostles and Disciples, who, as I shall relate further on, were present at her most sweet and happy death, knew then that all these signs were tokens of sorrow in the insensible nature.

The prophecy of Zacharias fulfilled:
The earth shall weep
In the former alone seemed to be fulfilled the prophecy of Zacharias: that in that day the earth shall weep, and the families of the house of God, each one for itself, and that this mourning shall be as for the death of the firstborn, over which all are accustomed to weep. This mourning, which the Prophet predicts for the Only-begotten of the Eternal Father, was in due proportion also to the death of the Most Pure Lady, as the first-born Daughter of grace and of life.
And just as the faithful vassals and servants clothe themselves in mourning not only at the death of their Prince or their Queen, but also at the prospect of their danger or of their loss; so the irrational creatures anticipated the feeling and the tokens of their sorrow at the approach of the Transition of the Most Holy Mary.

The Dormition or Transition of Our Lady

Excerpt from The Mystical City of God,
vol. IV, The Coronation, c. XVII, nn. 705-706
Posted August 17, 2024
vol. IV, The Coronation, c. XVII, nn. 705-706
Posted August 17, 2024