Stories & Legends
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St. Dominic Resurrects the Cardinal’s Nephew
Accordingly, the Pope assigned as his companions Bishop Ugolino of Ostia, who later became Pope, and Lord Cardinal Stephen of Fossa Nuova, and Lord Cardinal Nicholas of Tusculum. They were to help him as need arose.

St. Dominic & the Cardinals leads the first Sisters to the Convent of San Sisto
Thereupon Blessed Dominic, with the approval of the Cardinals who were his companions, ordered that on the first day of Lent, after the imposition of ashes, all were to assemble at the House of San Sisto, so that in their presence and that of all her nuns, the Abbess could resign her office and yield all the rights of their monastery to him and his companions.
When Blessed Dominic and the three Cardinals took their seats and the Abbess, along with her nuns, stood before them, a man rode up pulling his hair and crying loudly: "Alas! alas!" When he was asked what was his trouble, he answered: "The nephew of Cardinal Stephen has fallen from his horse and is dead." The nephew's name was Napoleon.
When his uncle, the Cardinal, heard this, he fell backwards prostrate with grief before Blessed Dominic. Then, as the others supported him, Blessed Dominic arose and blessed him with holy water.
Leaving them, he went to the scene, where he found the dead young man horribly crushed and badly lacerated. He had him carried to a house nearby, with instructions to leave him there.
Then Dominic told Brother Tancred and the others present to prepare themselves for Mass. Present were Blessed Dominic, the Cardinals and their retinue, and the Abbess with her nuns. Blessed Dominic and the Cardinals held her in high esteem for her sanctity.

After falling from his horse, Napoleon is restored to life by St. Dominic
Then Blessed Dominic started to say Mass. Coming to the Elevation, he held the Body of the Lord in his hands and was elevating it according to custom, when all were astonished to see Blessed Dominic raised to a height of one foot above the ground.
When Mass was over, he and the Cardinals with their companions, together with the Abbess and her nuns, returned to the body of the dead young man. With his blessed hands he arranged all the crushed and lacerated members from the head to the feet. Then with much groaning, he knelt down to pray near the coffin.
For a second and third time, he repeated the process of arranging the lacerated face and body and then kneeling down to pray. Then, arising, he made a Sign of the Cross over the body and, standing at the head of the corpse, he raised his hands to Heaven and, being himself raised more than a foot from the ground, he shouted with a loud voice: "Young man, Napoleon, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I say to thee, arise."
At once, before the eyes of those who had come to this great spectacle, the youth arose sound and healthy, and said to Blessed Dominic: "Father, give me something to eat."
Then Blessed Dominic gave him food and drink and returned him in gay spirits to his uncle the Cardinal with not even the slightest mark of injury. The young man had been dead from morning to three o'clock in the afternoon.
This very great miracle, as herein described, was related by Sr. Cecilia who was present and observed all the details with her own eyes and ears.

From The Miracles of St. Dominic, narrated by Sister Cecilia, OP
Posted August 12, 2023
Posted August 12, 2023