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Omnes Amici Mei

Gregorian Chant for Good Friday

Omnes amici mei (All My friends) is a Gregorian chant responsorial from Holy Week, sung at the first Nocturne of Matins on Good Friday.

The chant recounts the suffering of Our Lord at Calvary. In it He laments his abandonment by all His friends whom He loved – and betrayed by one in particular. It also recounts His terrible desolation while on the Cross: He said "I thirst," and instead of being given water, He was given vinegar to drink.

It would seem that there are parallels between Our Lord's suffering at Calvary and the present Passion of the Church prophesied by Our Lady of Good Success: Today almost all her clergy – those whom He loved and called to be the salt of the earth – have abandoned the Faith. At the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), instead of clearly condemning the errors of the modern world and satisfying the faithful's thirst for true doctrine, her Popes and Bishops instead gave them Progressivism, a malodorous vinegar...

Omnes Amici Mei is here interpreted by I Musici di Santa Pelagia.

Listen to Omnes Amici Mei


Latin text:

OOmnes amici mei dereliquérunt me,
Et praevaluérunt insidiántes mihi:
Trádidit me quem diligébam:
Et terribílibus óculis,
Plaga crudéli percutiéntes,
Acéto potóbant me.
V. Inter iníquos projecérunt me,
Et non pepercérunt ánimae meae.
English translation (1):

All My friends have forsaken me,
And they who lie in wait for Me have prevailed;
He whom I loved hath betrayed Me:
And with terrible eyes,
They struck me with cruel blows,
Vinegar they gave me to drink.
V. They have cast me among the wicked,
And have not spared my soul.

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Omnes Amici Mei


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Crucifixion Giotto

The Crucifixion (c.1305), by Giotto di Bondone (d.1337),
detail from the Life and Passion of Christ

  1. English translation by TIA desk.
  2. Sheet music courtesy of Gregobase, taken from here.


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