Latin text:
Ave Verum Corpus, natum
De Maria Virgine,
Vere passum, immolatum
In Cruce pro homine
Cuius latus perforatum
Fluxit aqua et sanguine:
Esto nobis prægustatum
In mortis examine.
O Iesu dulcis, O Iesu pie,
O Iesu, Fili Mariae.
English translation:
Hail, true Body, born
Of the Virgin Mary,
Truly suffered, sacrificed
On the Cross for mankind,
From whose pierced side
Flowed water and blood:
Be for us a foretaste [of Heaven]
In the trial of death.
O sweet Jesus, O holy Jesus,
O Jesus, Son of Mary.

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The Elevation of the Host,
Master of the Brussels Initials (Italian, active about 1389 - 1410).
Courtesy of the Getty Museum Collection