NEWS: October 2, 2017
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
The end of September was marked by the widespread promotion by the media of a Filial Correction sent to Pope Francis by 62 scholars. This group of ecclesiastic theologians and laymen asked him to retract from the “propagation of heresy” made in his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia and “other works, deeds and omissions.”
The authors of the document opened a website on which we can download the 25-page original PDF document in English. The Filial Correction is composed of three parts:
A first analysis of the three parts shows that:
To make my point, let me address in a quick list what the concilar Popes have done to promote Progressivism – which was not mentioned by the 62 signers, who simplistically identify this current as Modernism – and to favor Protestantism.
Papal initiatives promoting Progressivism
The only explanation I can think of is that they are trying to create a scapegoat in order to save the other Popes and the Council.
The authors of the document opened a website on which we can download the 25-page original PDF document in English. The Filial Correction is composed of three parts:
- The text of a letter to Pope Francis (pp. 1-9), written in a polite but strong language accusing him of propagating seven heresies. Although the text is quite bold, the heresies are written in Latin, which makes them accessible only to a small Catholic elite able to read this language.
- A second part called Elucidation (pp. 10-16), in which the authors lay out presuppositions to show that Francis is basically favoring Modernism and Protestantism, two condemned heresies.
- A third part of endnotes (pp. 16-25), which lists a large number of sources to back the statements of the two first parts. Interestingly, the authors quote Vatican Council II and the conciliar Popes – especially John Paul II – as if they are in full agreement with the previous Magisterium of the Church.
Francis support of Protestantism follows the example of the other conciliar Popes
- The letter to Pope Francis having a bold accusatory language in its text and, then, camouflaging in Latin the core of the heresies it accuses him of
promoting is clearly contradictory. These two conflicting procedures give the impression of a document lacking unity of intention: Some of its authors want to make the accusation public; others are afraid of overtly exposing those errors and want them to be clear only to a few intellectuals.
- The second part – Elucidation – is somewhat puzzling and misleading because the authors’ approach implies that for a long time the Church has not had problems of the resurgence of Modernism and Protestantism; it is only appearing now under Francis. The consequences of this approach is that the Filial Correction:
a. exonerates from blame both Vatican II and the five other conciliar Popes who should be included in the same accusation directed against Francis;
b. implicitly presents the signers as the discoverers – like new Christopher Columbuses – of heresies, which in reality are more than 50 years old. - The third part, the endnotes quoting Vatican II documents and those of the conciliar Popes as if they enjoyed the same level of credibility as the quotations of the previous Catholic Magisterium, reinforce the same impressions caused by part two. That is, it induces the reader to believe that Vatican II and these Popes are completely uninfected by any of the “heresies, words, deeds and omissions” launched by Francis.
To make my point, let me address in a quick list what the concilar Popes have done to promote Progressivism – which was not mentioned by the 62 signers, who simplistically identify this current as Modernism – and to favor Protestantism.
Papal initiatives promoting Progressivism
- John XXIII was a very good friend of the modernist Buonaiuti and had the books of this mentor hand-marked for reference.
- Referring to the sanctions that the Church used to issue against heresy and heretics,:
Paul VI affirmed: 'In the wake of the Council we will abolish intolerance and absolutism.'
- Following those guidelines Paul VI handed over a relic of St. Athanasius to the Monophysites.
- Paul VI also delivered the head of St. Mark to heretics.
- Further, Paul VI became famous for his phrase: 'We are worshipers of man,' a clearly progressivist statement.
- The same Paul VI praised the motto "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" of the French Revolution as an expression of "Christian values".
- Paul VI pointed to Teilhard de Chardin as a model to find God in the universe.
- Let us not forget that already in the early 1960s,
Paul VI had introduced standing to receive Holy Communion.
- Referring to the Revolution made by Vatican II, Card. Karol Wojtyla, the future John Paul II, affirmed, "The Council ended the Constantinian era."
- Card. Wojtyla also stated, "The Church must enter into the world's evolution."
Pope Wojtyla greeting native topless women
- Card. Karol Wojtyla defended nudism.
- John Paul II also praised the motto "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity".
- Pope John Paul II performed a Liturgy with heretics at St. Peter's Basilica.
- JPII gave a relic of St. Gregory to the heretic Karekin II.
- As for Benedict XVI, it is indispensable to establish the presupposition that, when he was still a Cardinal, he affirmed several times
he had not changed from his previous progressivist convictions.
- Based on this presupposition, let us keep in mind that Fr. Ratzinger was under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office.
- Prof. Michael Schmaus, who examined Fr. Ratzinger's post-doctoral thesis, considered him a “dangerous modernist.”
- Card. Ratzinger affirmed, "The teachings of the Popes against Modernism are obsolete."
- Ratzinger praised the plan to decentralize the Papacy.
- Fr. Joseph Ratzinger defended a horizontal vs. vertical Papacy.
- For Fr. Ratzinger, orthodoxy is nothing more than "a participation in the historic walk."
- Fr. Ratzinger affirmed that "dogmatic formulas must always change."
- Regarding the reforms of the Church proposed by Vatican II, Card. Joseph Ratzinger stated, "The Council presumes razing the bastions of the Church."
- Referring to Vatican II’s social document, the same Card. Ratzinger affirmed that "Gaudium et Spes is a counter-Syllabus."
- Card. Ratzinger also, without criticism, asserted that Gaudium et Spes was inspired by Teilhard.
- Benedict XVI praised the cosmic liturgy of Teilhard de Chardin.
- Fr. Ratzinger defended the theory of the “anonymous Christian.”
- He also denied the dogma ‘Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.' (Outside the Church, there is no salvation)
- Ratzinger approved the plan "to change the face of the Church."
- Card. Ratzinger justified feminism as a consummate fact and made it acceptable as part of the modern world.
- Paul VI declared that the conciliar Church was ‘betrothed’ to Anglicanism.
- Pope John Paul II kissed the hand of a heretic.
- JPII preached at the Anglican cathedral of Canterbury.
- Card. Ratzinger, future Benedict XVI, contributed to the Augsburg Accord to make it acceptable to the Lutherans, thus compromising the doctrine of justification.
- Card. Ratzinger gave Holy Communion to a Protestant.
- Benedict XVI stated that the Protestant brother Schultz was in Heaven.
- Benedict XVI consistently gave Protestants support and prestige.
- Benedict XVI visited and spoke at the Lutheran temple in Rome.
- In Erkfurt, Benedict XVI presented Luther as a model for Christians.
- Benedict XVI met with the Lutheran council in Erfurt.
The only explanation I can think of is that they are trying to create a scapegoat in order to save the other Popes and the Council.