NEWS: July 29, 2011
Bird’s Eye View of the News
Atila Sinke Guimarães
THE SHAMEFUL PACT OF GENEVA - Recently a new accord was reached on the road to a Pan-Religion. On June 28, 2011, under the influence of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, representatives of the Catholic Church signed a code of conduct in Geneva with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The agreement is meant to regulate the missionary activity of Catholics, Protestants and Schismatics.
/bv136_Geneva.jpg) Card. Tauran and WCC and WEA leaders sign an accord in Geneva regulating missionary activity |
The WCC, a mostly Protestant organ, also includes some representatives of the Greek or Byzantine Schismatics. The media presents the WCC as if it were a gigantic assembly of all the heretical and schismatic confessions. Doing this, it implies that the Catholic Church should deal with the WCC as an equal partner in her ecumenical dialogue.
The reality is quite different. The WCC is hardly more than a façade, a religious club without any effective power over its members. To me it looks like a cadaver kept on ice to bring out and sit at the negotiation table when necessary. Some time ago I offered data on the WCC, which may help my reader.
The WEA claims to gather under its umbrella the majority of the Protestants. It pretends to speak on behalf of those who admit no one to speak in their names... It claims to have authority over those who do not admit any authority above themselves… It remains to be seen whether the WAE has any real influence/authority over its members.
Thus, with representatives of WCC and WEA, Card. Jean-Louis Tauran, the head of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, signed an agreement called “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct.” It is a “voluntary” accord, i.e., it does not oblige the three signing parties to do anything under the threat of a penalty.
The points of this code signed by Tauran include:
- Christians must forego a sense of boldness in proclaiming the Gospel;
- Imprudent and inappropriate means of preaching the Gospel must be avoided;
- Such methods cause tensions, violence and loss of human lives;
- A new way to proclaim the Christian faith is required;
- Whoever does not follow these orientations should be denounced;
- All forms of enticements, including financial incentives and rewards, should be denied them;
- Those who violate this code should be considered traitors (The Tablet, July 2, 2011, p. 28).
Thus, between light and darkness there is now a pact; between truth and error an amalgam was reached. The crystal water of the Catholic Faith that emanated from the purest fountain, the very lips of the Word Incarnate, mixes with the dark liquid that issues from one of the filthiest sewers in History, the heresies of Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. To this end product is added the bitter drooling of the Greek Schismatics’ centuries-old resentment that comes from its jealousy of Rome, its venal position toward the State and its colossal pride mixed with heresy and the occult.
This is the agreement Card. Taurun, as the representative of Benedict XVI, reached in Geneva in late June 2011. The criteria he used to come to such accord were no longer based on love for God and His perennial Faith, but on love for man and his transitory life. Dogma, correct interpretation of the Scripture, morals, history, the salvation of souls – all this was disregarded only to attain an immediate and insincere well-being among religions. We could say it is like the mother of a family who corrupts herself, goes to a brothel, sits down at a table with the prostitutes, and, as a colleague and equal, proposes a code of conduct to establish harmony in that house of perdition.
Black sheep
There are two black sheep that were particularly targeted by this pact: the Protestant sects in Latin America and the Catholic Uniates of Ukraine.
/bv136_evangelicals.jpg) Evangelicals claim half of Brazil will be Protestants by 2020 |
It is well known that, in the decades that followed the Council, Protestant sects have taken advantage of ecumenism in Latin America to spread their false teaching. Indeed, since Vatican II the new orientation regarding heresies is for for Catholics to unload their weapons, open their bulwarks and stop fighting against Protestantism. Notwithstanding, the Protestants have intensified their attacks against the Catholic Church. The result is that a considerable slice of the population became Protestant.
For example, official State data presented the percentage of Catholics in Brazil in 1970 as 91.8%, with Protestants at only 5.2%. In 2000 Catholics fell to 73.9% and Protestants increased to 15.6%. Updated comparative data from the official 2010 census are not available yet, but considering that the population of Brazil just passed 190 million in 2010 and applying to Protestants the same percentage of 10 years ago (15.6%), we can estimate that their number is now around 30 million. This means that, thanks to this policy of Catholic ecumenism and Protestant aggressiveness, there are more Protestants today in Brazil than in Germany, which counts about 25 million of these heretics.
It is needless to say that these Protestants sects receive every possible encouragement and funds from abroad in their work of eroding Latin American Catholicism.
Instead of counter-attacking the heresies in this traditionally anti-Protestant continent to contain such an enormous hemorrhage, the Conciliar Church seeks out agreements like the one recently made at Geneva.
/bv136_Kirill.jpg) Benedict placates patriarch Kirill by ordering the Uniates to cease conversions |
The second black sheep of the Geneva Pact is the Catholic Uniates of Ukraine. As soon as the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 the Ukrainian Catholics started to take back the countless churches Stalin had stolen from them and given to the Schismatics. This initiative produced an en masse domino effect of conversion of entire Schismatic parishes, sometimes with the pastor at their head.
Since that movement promised to reach avalanche proportions in the Ukraine and Russia, the heads of the Schismatics ran to John Paul II demanding in the name of ecumenism that such “proselytism” should cease. A simple denial of that request would have propitiated the conversion of Russia and Ukraine to the Catholic Faith. Instead, JPII ordered the Ukrainians to stop taking back their churches and cease their efforts to convert.
Since then, whenever anyone converts to Catholicism, the Schismatics begin to weep and complain again. The response of JPII then – and Benedict XVI now – is the same: to repeatedly chastise our brave Catholics brothers of Ukraine. For more on the situation of the Ukraine and Russia, read here, here and here.
So, on the one hand, the Protestants have been given de facto liberty to prey on the Catholic harvest; on the other hand, the Catholics are completely forbidden to convert any Schismatic. With this contradictory policy, conciliar ecumenism looks unfair and biased, favoring Protestant growth and protecting the Schismatics. It seems that the pact of Geneva was an attempt to clear the Vatican from giving this impression.

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