Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis pushes for women's ordination
The latest C9 meeting, composed of Francis and the Council of nine Cardinals he chose to advise him in the direction of the Church, above, took place on February 5 and 6, 2024.
The guest of honor was an Anglican woman bishop Jo Bailey Wells, below first row left, second row, who was invited to report to the Council on the Anglican experience regarding women's ordination to the priesthood and the impact it has made. In an interview she granted on February 9 to Vida Nueva, Wells affirmed: "And I know that on the part of Pope Francis there is a willingness to explore, to take some risks, to exercise the imagination regarding the possibilities of change."
Another woman invited to speak to the C9 was university Professor Sister Linda Pocher of the Maria Auxiliadora Congregation, first row below right. According to Europa Press, transcribed by Secretum mum mihi, she affirmed on February 8: "We know that the Pope is very much in favor of the female deaconate, but it is still something we need to know how to put into practice."
The other woman present was university Professor Giuliva di Berardini, below second from the left, who also spoke at the meeting but her speech was not reported by the press.
On February 7, Francis addressing the members of the Congregation for Divine Worship, third row below, spoke these enigmatic words, certainly preparing them to receive women deacons:
"Any reform of the Church is always a question of spousal fidelity: The Bride Church will always be more beautiful the more she loves Christ the Bridegroom, to the point of belonging totally to Him, to the point of complete conformity with Him. And about this, I say one thing about women's ministries.
"The Church is a woman and the Church is a mother and the Church is the figure of Mary and the Church-woman, the figure of Mary, is more than Peter, that is, she is something more. Everything cannot be reduced to ministerialism. The woman herself has a very great symbol in the Church as a woman, without reducing her to ministeriality. That is why I have said that any reform of the Church is always a question of spousal fidelity, because she is a woman."
Fourth row, an Anglican "priestess" celebrated a mass; fifth row, Justin Welby, head of the Anglican Sect, surrounded by women "priests."
Photos from Secretum meum mihi & the Internet
Posted February 11, 2024
