Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Muddy bike Mass in Brazil
"It is good for you to experience the smell of sheep." This was the justification Fr. Antonio Menezes, above, gave to his parishioners for his entering St. Sebastian Church on a muddy motorcycle and saying his Mass with the bike parked in front of the altar.Invoking Pope Francis, who said he loves the smell of sheep, Menezes alleged he wanted to show that priests are "men of the people."
To make this point, he took off his muddy rubber boots, left them in full view of the assembly alongside the bike, and said Mass in his socks and a pair of grubby blue jeans. He wore no vestments except for a stole.
Antonio Menezes is a parish priest in the city of Xapuri, State of Acre, Brazil. The "solemn" Mass on January 8, 2024, was to celebrate the Patron Saint of the Church, St. Sebastian, whose statue was carried to the front of the church before the Mass, last row.
Is this still Catholic?