Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
St. Agnes Church in Buffalo sold to a Buddhist
Building started on St. Agnes Catholic Church in 1883 in the Lovejoy neighborhood of Buffalo, NY, and it was consecrated in 1905. After 102 years of inviting Catholics to worship God under its roof, St. Agnes was closed. On October 21, 2007 the last Mass was said on its altar.Two facts contributed to its closing: the shrinking size of Buffalo's population and the liturgical reforms of Paul VI. Those reforms were allegedly turned toward making the liturgy more accessible but actually they abandoned the sacrality of worship by making it more Protestant, which alienated the people.
It had been closed for two years when in 2009 it was sold to a Vietnamese Buddhist monk. In 2012 it reopened its doors as a Buddhist temple, as shown in the photos on this page.
It is symbolic example of what Catholic churches are becoming due to the great apostasy of the faithful, who are increasingly abandoning the churches in the wake of the apostasy of the Hierarchy and Clergy.
Above, statues of the false deities Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha and Medicine Buddha replace the Altar and the Tabernacle; below first row, the church still with its pews a little after the installation of the temple.
Second row, left, a photo from 1934 with the Central Altar and the Communion rails, right, the exterior with a large statue of St. Agnes above the portal; third row, in 1968 after the conciliar reforms: the main altar destroyed, a resurrected Christ sans crucifix, a table turned to the people, and the Communion rail discarded.
Last row, the pews almost completely gone, Buddhist banners everywhere, and rugs on the floor for sitting meditations on reaching Nirvana.
Photos from the Internet

Posted April 23, 2023