Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Catholic nun teaches yoga in Kerala
Yes, we know that these are photos from 2017, but they could not be more timely, since the teaching of yoga continues to take place everywhere among Catholics.Franciscan Clarist Sister Infant Teresa is seen in this page teaching yoga in Kerala, South India. She was a nurse, reports the Union of Catholic Asian News, who turned to yoga in order to cure a back pain.
From that time on, she decided to blend her religious faith and yoga. She reached the wrong conclusion that, by practicing yoga, Catholic nuns can improve their spiritual life by using it as a "medium" to communicate with God.
It is another bad fruit of the inter-religious dialogue promoted by Vatican II and imposed on all religious institutions.
Fifth row below, nuns of St. Joseph Convent in Kunnamthanam, India, being instructed in yoga in 2018; last row, Sister Rosalia Meza of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity, middle figure, receives novices at the chapel of her institution in Tracy, California, in 2015.
Photos from the Intenet

Posted April 23, 2023