Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A kiss for Emilce Cuda & Liberation Theology
Above we see Francis kissing Emilce Cuda on May 16, 2022.Cuda is an old acquaintance of Jorge Bergoglio from the days when he was Cardinal of Buenos Aires. Like him, Cuda is a partisan of Teologia del Pueblo [ Theology of the People], which is the Argentine version of Liberation Theology. Like him, she is a disciple of Fr. Juan Carlos Scannone, S.J., the mastermind behind Theology of the People. In the second and third rows below we see Cuda embracing Scannone.
In the fourth row at left, she receives an embrace from Leonardo Boff, the Brazilian star of LT; at right, she appears with Gustavo Gutierrez, considered the father of LT; in the fifth row, we see her with Fray Betto, a well-known Brazilian exponent of Liberation Theology.
In the sixth row, Emilce Cuda is a featured speaker in Ecuador, together with Fr. Jose Marins, one of the experts on the Base Christian Communities in Latin America.
Cuda is a great favorite of Pope Francis, who chose her to be co-secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, and then to be a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
So, the kiss exchanged between the Pope and Cuda expresses much more than an inconvenient gesture of a Pope. It expresses the deep admiration he has for Liberation Theology.
Photos from Emilce Cuda
Facebook first seen in
A la Derecha

Posted March 5, 2023