Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Priest celebrates St. Peter's Day in Portugal
Above you see Fr. Guilherme Peixoto, aka the DJ Priest, who is the parish priest in the neighborhoods of Laundos and Amorim in the city Póvoa de Varzim, in Northern Portugal.In the last 16 years, Peixoto has adopted a rock style "apostolate" in the wake of JPII's "new evangelization." In the facilities of St. Felix Mountain Chapel he constructed a discotheque where he performs as a DJ and invites the youth from the area to attend. He named his disco "An Air of Rock".
He has been invited to do shows in various other places in the area. One of them, recorded in this video, took place on the eve of St. Peter's Feast Day, June 28, 2022, to commemorate it.
In it he "prayed" an Ave Maria with lugubrious tones, which was followed by a delirium of techno sounds that hallucinated his young audience. In their frenetic dance the least concern was modesty in behavior and purity in dress.
Some circus performances were interspersed in the constant spotlighting of the priest on stage. The DJ-priest did not hide his pleasure to be the center of attraction.
It is a new religion of self-indulgence
that has little to do with the Catholic Church.
Nonetheless, the DJ priest was honored with a private audience with Pope Bergoglio in 2017, who effusively received and blessed an "Air of Rock" T-shirt as well as the headphones he uses in his disco shows, last two rows.
Photos from this
video, first seen in
Call Me Jorge

Posted October 9, 2022