Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The acrobat-clown Jesuit of Venezuela
TIA received this message from one of our readers:The man you see above is a priest of Jesus Christ, the Venezuelan Jesuit Dizzi Perales.
Fr. Perales is a stupendous example of what is prescribed by the Constitution Gaudium et spes, approved by Council Vatican II. It decreed that the Church should become similar to the world – in opposition to what is the duty of the Church.
According to this document, Catholicism must not try to convert the world, but rather become similar to it: in customs, goals, values, methods etc. Hence the Catholicism infiltrated with Marxism, Leftist Ecology, Idolatry (Pachamama) etc.
The Jesuit Perales is an example of what has been done in this field. By the way, Perales lives and works next-door to St. Ignatius College of Caracas...
Watch Gaudium et spes in action in this video.
Adding to this information, Fr. Perales also teaches in the Catholic University of Tachira, Venezuela, and has been invited to speak about his priestly life experience in Catholic Universities of other countries, such as Javeriana University of Colombia and Iberoamerican University of Mexico.
Last row, Fr. Perales concelebrates Mass with an auxiliary Bishop of Mexico and Fr. David Fernandez, Rector of Iberoamerican University – second and third from the right – at the opening the National Meeting of Ignatian Youth in 2019 in Mexico City.
Photos from this video & the Internet

Posted August 21, 2022