Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bikini-friendly nun in Brazil
Who is this nun who, smiling widely, jumps into a swimming pool in her religious habit and enjoys the company of young women in bikinis? As one of the women rides piggy-back on a man, the nun – also in the water – euphorically approves the action as part of the fun. When some of the women pose for a photo showing their legs, bellies and scanty tops, the nun is happy to be with them. When they all put their legs up on the pool edge for a photo, the nun joins them. Who is she?She is Sister Nabia from the Convent of the Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Brazil. Sister Nabia is visiting her relatives in these photos.
If we go to a catechism, we learn that for women to wear immodest clothing is a mortal sin and an encouragement for men who look at them to commit sins of lust. Bikinis are one of the most provocative of such immoral clothing. To wear them is strongly forbidden for any woman.
When we look for a definition of the religious state, we see that it is characterized by the vow of chastity, which supposes that a religious should avoid any visit that induces him/her to sin.
Now, how can one explain the flagrant contradiction of a nun who appears with women in bikinis? How can one explain how Sister Nabia can be entirely serene and happy doing what she did, without any problem of conscience? This is so much so that she posted these photos on her Instagram so that her friends could know her relatives. What is the reason for her complete peace of mind amid such contradiction, sin and scandal?
It is because she is fully secure that her local superiors will approve her conduct. Her local superiors in turn are certain that they will not receive any reprimand from the Superior General, who is also absolutely assured that Rome will approve this censurable behavior. This simple example shows that the whole religious system is rotten from head to toe.
It is another consequence of the adaptation of the Church to the modern world, preached and put into practice by Vatican II.

Posted January 30, 2022