Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
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Vatican sponsors red Popular Movements
The IV World Meeting of Popular Movements is being sponsored by the Vatican. Different from the three previous ones – two in the Vatican (2014 and 2016) and one in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (2015) – this IV World Meeting has been virtual.On July 7, 2021 Card. Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, delivered a speech for the popular movements making accusations of "scandalous inequality," castigating the "global mentality of consumerism and colonialism" and encouraging "community forms of land and housing."
On a still unnamed date in September, a three-hour virtual meeting will take place that will start with a welcome by Card. Turkson, followed by short speeches of seven leaders of popular movements including Brazilian João Stedile, founder of the communist Landless Workers' Movement. The program is here in Spanish.
For our readers to have an idea of just how communist these movements are, we reproduce below, from the second row down, some photos of the violent tactics of the movement led by João Stedile.
Second row, activists of the Landless Movement trying to break into the Brazilian Supreme Court Facilities in Brazilia; third row, an invasion of rural properties in the countryside; fourth row, Stedile at a Landless Movement gathering; fifth and sixth rows, being received by Pope Francis at the Vatican.
In last row, we see Stedile affirming publicly: "I and my companions of the MST (Landless Movement) are willing to set Brazil on fire to make Bolsonaro [the present day conservative President] step down."
Photos from form the Internet

Posted July 25, 2021