Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Irish priest dancing with the stars - I
Irish priest Fr. Raymond Kelly (67), above right, competed in the Dublin TV program Dancing with the Stars from January to March 2020. After 10 performances he was eliminated. We will feature today and in the next several weeks some photos and gifs of his more shocking appearances.Fr. Ray, as he became known, belongs to St. Patrick’s Missionary Society (SPC - Kiltegan Fathers) and is a priest of St. Brigit’s & St. Mary’s parish in Oldcastle, Meath County, Ireland.
In the spectacle we focus on today, Fr. Kelly showed up in civil apparel – a silk white shirt, yellow bow tie and vest – to dance with a scantily dressed professional female dancer, who boldly shows her legs and takes indecent and sensual poses during the entire dance.
The naturalness with which the priest entered the scandalous show sent the false message that Catholic Morals makes no objections to his action. Actually, his presence on this show was an attack upon the dignity of the priesthood, a tacit approval of immoral dress and indecent behavior, and a promotion of dances the Catholic Church censures. In short: it was a remarkable scandal!
However, since we live in a time of general apostasy of the Hierarchy, it is sad but not surprising that no religious authority stopped Fr. Kelly from carrying out his performances.
It is another scandalous example of the Vatican II call for priests to adapt to the modern world.
Photos from the Internet &
this video
Posted February 14, 2021