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Francis names communist to Vatican post
On July 3, 2020, Pope Francis announced that he had chosen Julio César Caballero, former ambassador of Evo Morales to the Vatican for four years (2016 to March 2020), to head the Latin American Pontifical Commission.Caballero was the official spokesman for the Bolivian government during Francis' visit to Bolivia in 2015, first row below, and he was the architect who planned Morales' visits to the Vatican in 2017 and 2018, second row.
In November 2019, Evo Morales resigned from office, accused of fraud in the election that gave him a fourth term as President of Bolivia. The fraud was verified by the Organization of the American States (OAS) in a detailed Electoral Integrity Analysis found here.
For some time now, a leftist media campaign has been striving to return Morales, now in exile in Argentina, to Bolivia and restore him to power.
Indeed, four months ago a MIT commission declared that the OAS document was flawed and presented Morales as a victim of a plot. Articles in the New York Times and The Economist adopting the same lines followed.
In the face of this attack, on June 16, 2020, the OAS issued a declaration defending its findings and confirming the integrity of the present-day government of Bolivia.
It is in this context that Pope Francis chose to enter the picture, indirectly supporting Morales by naming his old ambassador as the head of the Latin American Pontifical Commission.
We see that Pope Francis never fails to support Communism.
In this regard he has been infallible...
Photos from the Internet

Posted July 5, 2020