Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Dissatisfaction with Francis grows
It is becoming more and more evident that Catholics are showing their dissatisfaction with Francis. We have seen the sparse crowds and lack of enthusiasm at the farewell Masses in Chile and Ireland; we have seen the disgruntlement during his visit to Georgia when the stadium for his reception was almost empty.Principal landmarks of this general dissatisfaction can be seen in two initiatives of ecclesiastics who have made public challenges to Francis: The Dubia asking him to explain how his teachings on Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics could reconcile with the previous Catholic doctrine; and the three letters of Arch. Vigano on how Francis handled the McCarrick scandal.
We have also seen a great dissatisfaction in the attitude of some traditionalist and conservative organizations like the TFP and Church Militant-Vortex, which have abandoned their position of "respectful silence" regarding the doctrinal teachings of Francis and have begun to publicly criticize him.
Another voice now joins the growing choir of critics: The October 29 issue of National Review decided to feature on its front cover a strong attack against the general progressivist line of Francis' pontificate. The lead article is titled "The Un-Heroic Pope: The Case against Francis."
It is good that the scales are falling from peoples' eyes. It is the first step to destroy Progressivism by slowing its march, as explained elsewhere. We wish more persons would come to similar positions.
Photos from the Internet

Posted November 11, 2018