Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The bermuda Bishop of San Miniato
Above right, you see Andrea Migliavacca, Bishop of Miniato, a town between Pisa and Tuscany, Italy. Migliavacca is holding hands with Fr. Armando Zappolini, a priest of his diocese.Both are outing with parishioners in bermudas (Migliavacca wearing a version that bears a remarkable resemblance to boxer shorts, a type of men's underwear) to imitate the most relaxed lay attire as if they were not sacred persons. By their way of dressing they implicitly deny that they are dedicated to the service of God and representatives of Christ. Migliavacca is particularly censurable because he virtually abdicates being a successor of the Apostles.
Under the pretext of adaptating the Church to the modern customs, what we see is an enormous manifestation of human respect of the Hierarchy and the Clergy, who show themselves ashamed of their missions.
They are neither proud of their Faith nor of their roles. This servile fear is the driving force of the general apostasy we are witnessing.
Below, Migliavacca in different garbs. Last row, enjoying a laugh with Francis, his model...
Photos from the Internet first seen in
Eponymous Flower

Posted August 26, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.