Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Orgiastic desecration of a Portuguese church
On April 28 and 29, 2018, the 7th Annual Meta-Dance (Metadança) took place in the Church of Mercy (Igreja da Misericordia) in Leiria, Portugal. This "artistic" performance is meant to "promote a change in the customs of the public," the group affirms in its mission statement.If we put this goal in perspective, we see that it follows the guidelines of modern theater as expressed, for example, by Jerzy Grotowski, who defends that modern theater must use blasphemies to break all the taboos of the audience.
In fact, when we consider the photo above, the first impression we have is of an orgy inside of the church. A man and two young women, all semi-naked, are laying on the main altar, their upper bodies contorted over it with their heads facing the audience, giving the impression of an intended mockery of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In the foreground of the same photo, we see a man laying down with two women sprawled over him on the floor, with one of these women practically touching his private parts. On the steps of the altar we find more women in black underwear provocatively turning their derrieres to the photographer. The whole scene gives the impression of a tremendous lack of respect for the Catholic Church and her Mass.
In the first row below, a man in a long skirt and a women in a highly sensual posture stand atop the main altar on either side of the tabernacle. In the second row, the same skirted man stands in front of the tabernacle, making us wonder what is he doing. Is he urinating? Or something worse? We don't know. It would seem this performance is meant to raise this type of supposition.
The following third, fourth and fifth rows confirm the same impression of orgy and blasphemy.
In the sixth row a man mocks the Holy Water by pretending to wash his hair and drowning in the church font.
In the seventh and eighth rows, two sparsely clothed young women intertwine themselves at the side exit doors, making viewers wonder if there is a lesbian message in these impure touches.
The Church of Mercy in Leira is the oldest Catholic religious building that is still standing in that city. It is true that in 2014, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima turned the church over for profane use and that today it is under the management of the city's House of Representatives. However, the Bishop should consider that this transfer is not a simple decree on a piece of paper. Many of the religious symbols of our Holy Religion still remain in the church and are intentionally profaned in blasphemous performances of this type.
The Church authorities should never allow a religious building – even when relinquished for other purposes – to have any use that could dishonor the symbols and truths of Holy Mother Church.
Photos from the Facebook pages of Cristiano Justino, Rute Violante & Viana Carvalho

Posted June 17, 2018