Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Miserablist Nativity displayed in Fatima Basilica
Pictured above is the miserablist nativity scene recently installed in the Basilica of Fatima, Portugal. The person responsible for this structure is Portuguese contemporary “artist” Paulo Neves, who was commissioned by the Basilica to make this scene.It is easy to see that the sculpture is part of a progressivist agenda to sabotage the spirit of Christmas.
First, the sculptures implicitly promote femininism since both figures look feminine. Even more, this dominant note encourages lesbianism, given that if both indeterminate figures were women, we would have a lesbian couple with a baby. One could, thus, interpret this depiction as favoring the adoption of children by homosexual couples, clearly against Catholic doctrine.
Second, the sculptures do not look even remotely human. Instead, they look like primitive pagan gods akin to the Moai statues of the Chilean Isla de Pascua or Easter Island, pictured below. This seems to promote a type of tribalism. So, the nativity is presented more like an ancient pagan myth, rather than the Incarnation of God himself.
Third, there is nothing in the sculptures that reflects the sacrality of the Holy Family or even the tenderness of Our Lady and St. Joseph toward the newborn Child. The parents seem indifferent to the Infant, assuming that that formless piece of wood represents Jesus. This denies the sanctity of Our Lady and St. Joseph, and worse, it denies the divinity and perfect humanity of Our Lord.
Fourth, these formless wooden blobs suggest a tumultuous chaos that is typical of modern cubist art. Thus, the scene contradicts the nature of Our Lord, who represents hierarchy and order in the highest degree.
Fifth, these sculptures are made to look poor and ugly, which is the basis of progressivist miserablism. According to this school the Church should sell all her riches and do away with everything beautiful to become “simple” and miserable like proletarians.
Since Neves’ nativity promotes feminism, homosexuality, tribalism, chaos and miserablism, it is not surprising to see the progressivist Hierarchy promoting this “nativity” in Fatima, where Our Lady predicted there would be an apostasy in the Church starting from the top.
The conclusion: This nativity scene is an outrage against the Holy Family. It is another blasphemy meant to lead the faithful astray, sabotage the message of Fatima and ultimately the spirit of Christmas.
Photos from the Internet

Posted December 24, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.