Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis' miserablist crosiers in Colombia
On his visit to Medellin, Colombia, on September 9 and 10, 2017, Pope Francis chose to use two miserablist crosiers, above and below, first and last rows. Doing so, he continues his revolution to destroy all the symbols of sacrality, solemnity and pomp that the Church created during her long and glorious past.In the first crosier – above and below first row – made of a rough wood, we see a stick figure Christ leaning forward to separate his body from a bent cross, transmitting an impression of revolt and despair.
The second cross – below, last row – made of a rustic knotted wood and without any ornament, is also an effective denial of the art and richness that for centuries were applied to the papal symbols, as an expression that the Pontiff is the true Vicar of Christ.
Between these two public appearances, Francis met with priests and seminarians. There, he posed on the side of another miserablist cross, below second row.
Let us not forget that it was in Medellin, 49 years ago, that Paul VI officially endorsed Liberation Theology, which is nothing but a blend of Communism and Catholic Social Doctrine. Had he not initiated this revolution, the Catholic Church would not have suffered this plague that has contaminated her since then.
Photos from videos first seen in
Amor de ka Verdad

Posted September 17, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.