Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis receives an Eskimo greeting
Do you remember those good times when the Pope was respected? In those epochs he was considered the Vicar of Christ and people saw in him the image of God Incarnate. He was a King of the Visible Church, a Sovereign Pontiff uniting the Militant Church and the Church Triumphant.But those days ended more than 50 years ago. With the Conciliar Revolution the Popes renounced their roles as Kings and Sovereign Pontiffs, they became representatives of the people, no longer representatives of Christ.
In their eagerness to be democratic, they compete with the temporal politicians to show they are just one of the people, assuming egalitarian poses and performimg demagogic actions toward this end.
This is the background the reader needs to understand the lack of respect shown in the photo-series on this page, which portrays a woman who feels free to rub noses with Pope Francis during a general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall, breaking all the barriers of conveniences and modesty.
We ask Our Lady to end this egalitarian Revolution in the Church, restore her to her majestic past glory and open the new future predicted in Fatima.
Photos from
Rome Reports

Posted June 18, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.