Progressivism in the Church
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New Marxist phase of the Jesuits
It is well known that for more than four decades the Jesuits have aligned themselves with the so-called 'preferential option for the poor' and Liberation Theology. Now, they seem to be entering a more clearly defined Marxist phase.Indeed, on October 14, 2016, at the General Congregation of the Jesuits that took place in Rome, Fr. Arturo Sosa was elected the new General Superior of the Society of Jesus. Above he greets Pope Franics; below, one finds him in his typical daily attire.
Fr. Arturo Sosa is from Venezuela and carries in his baggage the protection of communist Hugo Chaves after the latter led a failed coup d'état in 1992. Sosa interceded with the government to secure the release of Chaves from prison in the name of human rights. Later, Sosa supported Chaves when he became President of Venezuela (1999-2013). Only after 15 years of disastrous socialist Chavism - that is, after Chaves' death - did Sosa criticize the movement as illegitimate and despotic.
In 1978, Fr. Sosa wrote the article highlighted in red in the first row below, "The Marxist mediation of the Christian Faith." In it the Jesuit affirms: "The relationship ... between the Christian faith and ideologies allows us to admit the legitimacy of a Marxist 'idealization' of the faith. That is to say, it allows us to understand the existence of Christians who simultaneously call themselves Marxists and commit themselves to the transformation of the capitalist society into a socialist society."
Sosa goes on to conclude that it is necessary to accept Marxism: "If this [that the various Marxist ideas became part of the patrimony of mankind] is a reality on a world scale, then the presence of Marxism is even more important in the 'Third World' and concretely in Latin America. Our culture is penetrated by Marxist elements. Any understanding of the Latin American process cannot avoid taking into consideration the reality of Marxism as an idea that inspires politics, movements and actions."
By choosing a man who has openly defended these ideas in the past, the Jesuit Order is taking a step further on the path of the Revolution. A new step that is meant to keep pace with the communist initiatives of Pope Francis - who is also a Jesuit.
A summary of the article in Spanish can be read here - the full text in Spanish here
Photos from the Internet - first seen in

Posted October 23, 2016

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.