Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Luther's statue enthroned at the Vatican
On October 13, 2016, Pope Francis did not offer one single word in public to honor Our Lady of Fatima. Instead, he chose to receive on that very day 1,000 Lutherans in Paul VI Hall at the Vatican.For the event, he ordered that a statue of Martin Luther be erected on the stage in a place of preeminence so that it could preside over the meeting, above and first two rows below.
Next, he received from the Lutherans a bound copy of the 95 theses with which the heresiarch started his revolt, third row.
During the meeting he wore two scarves on his neck, one yellow, symbolizing the Papacy, and one light blue, representing Lutheranism, The two were tied together to signify the union between the Conciliar Church and the Protestant heresy.
Referring to Luther, Pope Bergoglio said: "The Church's greatest reformers are the saints, in other words the men and women who follow the Word of the Lord and practice it. This is the path we need to take, this is what reforms the church and they are great reformers. They may not be theologians, they may not have studied, they may be humble, but these people's soul is steeped in the Gospel, it's full of it and they are the ones who successfully reform the Church. Both in the Lutheran and Catholic Churches there are saints, men and women with a holy heart who follow the Gospel: they are the Church's reformers."
Aren't these words - spoken in the context of this ceremony to honor the heresiarch - an implicit canonization of Luther? But we wonder whether there is still more to come...
Even if there were nothing else to incriminate the Conciliar Church, is this ceremony not sufficient proof that it has completely apostatized from the Catholic Faith?
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano, Ansa, Reuters, Epa - first seen in Call Me Jorge

Posted October 16, 2016

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.