Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Catholic funeral for a dog in Belgium
It happened on April 22, 2015 in the city of Sambreville, Belgium, in St. Victor Church of Auvelais. The parish priest, Fr. Francis Lallemand, took the initiative of celebrating the first religious service for a dog that we know of. He opened his church for the burial religious and preached a homily during the ceremony, above.A white crib placed in front of the altar had the cremated remains of a Chihuahua called "Miss Chiwa," which had been a model for dog "clothes" in magazines and TV advertisements.
During the ceremony a woman identified as the "mother" of the dog – actually its owner – delivered a speech recalling the "great deeds" of the dog, as it were a human being. Fr. Lallemand was at her side to encourage her.
The point of Lallemand's sermon was that "we owe respect to the animals." He did not, but he could have quoted Pope Francis' erroneous statement that the animals go to Paradise.
Many tearful Belgians attended the ceremony bringing their own dogs. After the "service," a line of persons formed, two rows before the last, to pass by the white crib and "pay their last respect" to the dog...
Historians and sociologists affirm that when a civilization gives animals the same treatment as humans, it is on the edge of disappearing... This time we must add it is with the support of the Conciliar Church and implies desecration of the Church of St. Victor, last row.
Spoken in French, a video of this desecration is available here.
Photos from the Internet & video; first seen in Amor de la Verdad

Posted May 3, 2015